
Note: Applies to RTI Connext 4.x and above. Specific to LynxOS . The error message " icmp-response bandwidth limit " in LynxOS is caused by too many messages sent to ports that are not being listened on by an application. LynxOS sends an icmp-response packet for each incoming message and when those ...
5072 reads — 0 comments
Note: Applies to RTI Connext 4.x and above These are some common errors when specifying the key in the IDL: In the IDL file, you must use //@key after the key field. Do not use a space between any of these characters: //@key Also note that the directive is case-sensitive — use all lower case. Only ...
3093 reads — 0 comments
Note: Applies to RTI Connext 4.x and above If you have an RTI Connext application running on a QNX machine and it is unable to communicate with other applications running on the same machine started by another user, or if your application fails to start (with an error related to shared memory), ...
6090 reads — 0 comments
Note: Applies to RTI Connext 4.x and above. The LynxOS version does not have a multicast address in its peer host list by default. You need to modify the initial_peers list in the Discovery QoS policy to either include the multicast address, or to explicitly list the hosts that need to communicate. ...
2193 reads — 0 comments
Note: Applies to RTI DDS 4.0. This problem was resolved in RTI DDS 4.1b. Let's start with some general background information: #pragma statements provide a way to control some features of the compiler. Some examples of #pragma statements implemented by different compilers include: enabling or ...
14219 reads — 0 comments
Note: Applies to RTI Connext 4.x and above. The generated makefile assumes the IDL file name matches the type name. You may need to modify the generated makefile to match the actual type name. ...
2593 reads — 0 comments
Note: Applies to RTI Data Distribution Service 4.0 and 4.1. RTI Data Distribution Service selects well-known static ports based on this formula: 7400 + A * (DomainID + (B * Participant_index)) + (0 | 1 | 2) Where A and B are user-definable, with defaults of 10 and 100, respectively. To run multiple ...
3401 reads — 0 comments
Note: FlexLM is no longer a dependency for RTI Connext 4.5e and above. Typical symptoms: RTI Analyzer comes up as a blank Eclipse window. RTI Analyzer does not prompt for your new license. RTI Analyzer is not operational. If you have upgraded your RTI Analyzer to a new version, or if you have a new ...
3989 reads — 0 comments
Note: Applies to RTI Connext 4.x. Problem Sometimes when you start your RTI Connext application, you get the following error: [D0037|ENABLE]RTIOsapiSharedMemoryMutex_create:OS semget() failure, error 0X1C [D0037|ENABLE]NDDS_Transport_Shmem_create_recvresource_rrEA:failed to initialize shared memory ...
8073 reads — 0 comments
Note: Applies to RTI Connext 4.x and above. If the publisher and subscriber applications use different data-type definitions (IDL) for the same topic, it is common to see the following messages reported by the RTI middleware: Prior to 4.4c Unkeyed Data PRESPsReaderQueue_storeQueueEntry:!deserialize ...
9637 reads — 2 comments


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