
Note: Applies to RTI Connext 4.x and above, C and C++ APIs Statically allocated arrays For C, use FooSeq_to_array . For C++, use FooSeq::to_array . Dinamically allocated arrays There is an easy way to copy from sequence into an array. RTI Connext will always create a contiguous internal buffer for ...
7767 reads — 1 comment
Note: Applies to RTI DDS 4.0. This problem was resolved in RTI DDS 4.1b. Let's start with some general background information: #pragma statements provide a way to control some features of the compiler. Some examples of #pragma statements implemented by different compilers include: enabling or ...
14957 reads — 0 comments
Note: Applies to RTI Data Distribution Service 4.1 and higher and all RTI Connext versions. You may want to use Visual Studio Express because it's free. Please note, however, that Visual Studio Express has some limitations: It does not include Microsoft programming libraries, such as MFC, ATL, and ...
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