RTI Core Libraries and Utilities

Note : Applies to RTI Connext DDS 4.4 and above The following error: NDDS_Transport_UDPv4_SocketFactory_create_receive_socket: No interface found enabled for multicast. happens when a DomainParticipant is created with UDPv4 transport enabled (which is the default value) and all network interfaces ...
10445 reads — 0 comments
The following error: NDDS_Transport_UDPv4_receive_rEA:!precondition: buffer_in->length < (self)->property->message_size_max is caused when the buffer size of the Receiver Pool is less than the message_size_max of a builtin transport (UDPv4 in this case). To fix this issue, all you need ...
7086 reads — 0 comments
Note: Applies to RTI Connext 4.x and above. The following error: [D0004|CREATE Participant|D0004|ENABLE] NDDS_Transport_Shmem_is_segment_compatible:incompatible shared memory protocol detected. Current version 1.0 not compatible with 2.0. is caused when two applications, one using RTI Connext DDS 4 ...
5797 reads — 0 comments
Note: Applies to RTI Connext version 4.x and above OMG Data Distribution Service (DDS) applications send two types of data: meta data used for discovery and user data. Because the core of RTI Connext DDS is transport agnostic, it does not make any assumptions about the actual transports used to ...
5962 reads — 0 comments
Note: This solution applies to RTI Data Distribution Service 4.x. The description in this FAQ only applies to data instances that are allocated with FooTypeSupport::create_data(), which pre-allocates the strings. (It does not apply to situations in which the data instance is allocated on the stack ...
13279 reads — 0 comments
Performance is a function of how well hardware and software components work together with the middleware. The relationship is certainly not easily predictable. With very fast hardware, the limitation seems to be the hardware bus speed. The PCI just cannot keep up and this leads to high CPU ...
3526 reads — 0 comments
Note: Applies to RTI Data Distribution Service 4.1, 4.2; While the design pattern also works for RTI Data Distribution Service 4.3 and above, its batching feature is a better way to achieve aggregation. Purpose Publisher This example shows how to create an application that aggregates data. This ...
4801 reads — 0 comments
Note: Applies to RTI Data Distribution Service 4.3x and above, Both rtiddsping and rtiddsspy can be configured to use multicast for discovery announcements by specifying a multicast address as part of the initial peer list (using -preer <PEER> ). However, rtiddsping and rtiddsspy do not have ...
6258 reads — 0 comments
Note: Applies to RTI Data Distribution Service 4.3 and above. The following example is written in C++. Publisher This throughput test is based on the throughput test in $NDDSHOME/example/CPP/performance/throughput, with modifications to batch data samples for aggregation. Instead of sending ...
3911 reads — 0 comments
Note: Applies to RTI Connext 4.x and above The message RTINetioSender_addDestination:no transport for request is a warning that RTI Connext could not find a transport for a specified peer locator. The UDPv4 and shared memory transports are installed by default. When a node tries to add a ...
4526 reads — 0 comments


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