RTI Core Libraries and Utilities

Participants are able to know when other participants in the same domain are reachable or not (alive or dead). This is called Participant’s Liveliness. Discovery_Config QosPolicy has three properties that define this Participant’s Liveliness behavior: participant_liveliness_assert_period is the ...
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RTI Connext DDS comes with many built-in QoS profiles that allow you to configure your Participants, DataWriters, DataReaders, and Topics for your specific data model and use case. These built-in QoS profiles are documented in your installation, but here is a short description of each one. ...
15242 reads — 0 comments
Note: Applies to RTI Connext DDS 5.2.0 and above. RTI Code Generator may show the following error: $ rtiddsgen -language c++03 SensorSystemType.idl INFO com.rti.ndds.nddsgen.Main Running rtiddsgen version 2.3.0, please wait ... ERROR com.rti.ndds.nddsgen.Main BaseSensorType.idl line 1 duplicate ...
3972 reads — 0 comments
Note: Applies to RTI Connext DDS 5.2.0 and above. The Modern C++ API was introduced with RTI Connext DDS 5.2.0. This solution explains how to use the Modern and Traditional C++ APIs in the same application. To make them work together, you must not use both of them in the same .cpp file. That is, do ...
5229 reads — 0 comments
You can speed up participant deletion by decreasing the value of QoS property shutdown_cleanup_period . Before a participant can be deleted it must clean up its internal database. This property specifies the wake up period for the thread that takes care of this. The default value is set to 1 second ...
3323 reads — 0 comments
In complex systems, it may happen that one node gets overloaded and it stops communicating (or communicate slower) with remote nodes. If this node contains a DataReader that is subscribed to a topic along with other remote DataReaders, it can make the other DataReaders stop receiving data when the ...
1830 reads — 0 comments
If you are inheriting from either the BuiltinQosLibExp::Generic.HighThroughput or the BuiltinQosLibExp::Generic.AutoTuning built-in QoS profiles, your DataWriters and DataReaders may fail to communicate if you are writing small samples. In version 5.1.0, if you were writing samples smaller than 384 ...
2751 reads — 0 comments
If you are running into problems compiling the shipped examples or the generated Hello World example from rtiddsgen on a non-Windows platform, one of the first things to check is if your installation directory resides in a path that contains spaces. If it does, then the solution will be to redefine ...
9652 reads — 0 comments
Description The discovery phase in DDS applications can be considered a high throughput scenario under some circumstances. Some examples are: The applications have a lot of DDS entities. More than 2 hosts are involved. The type definitions are sent within the discovery packets (i.e., TypeCode and ...
8686 reads — 1 comment
The following examples demonstrate how to use the Modern C++ API: New! Flat Data and Zero Copy Latency (C++11) New! Flat Data API (C++11) Lambda Content Filter (C++11) Content Filtered Topic (C++03) Asynchronous Publisher (C++03) Batching and Turbo Mode (C++03) Builtin Topics (C++03) Listeners (C++03) Polling QueryCondition (C++03) Ordered Presentation (C++11) Recursive Data Type (C++03) DynamicData nested types (C++03) DynamicData publish and subscribe (C++11) DynamicData acess to union discriminator (C++03 and C++11) Partitions (C++03) Builtin Qos Profiles (C++03) Get Publishers (C++03) Using QoS Profiles (C++03) WaitSets (C++03) WaitSet with Query Conditions (C++11) WaitSet with Status Conditions (C++03) Custom Content Filters (C++03) DynamicData Accessing Sequence Members (C++03) Keyed Data (C++03) Coherent Presentation (C++03) Content Filtered Topic -- String Filter (C++03) Keyed Data Advanced (C++03) Ordered Presentation Group (C++03) Time-based Filters (C++03) Custom Flow Controllers (C++03) Deadline and Content Filtering (C++03) Multichannel (C++03) Using Type Codes (C++03) Polling Read (C++03) ...
41068 reads — 0 comments


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