RTI Core Libraries and Utilities

RTI Connext DDS Micro provides two ways of determining endpoint information of other DomainParticipants: Dynamic Endpoint Discovery , and Static Endpoint Discovery . Dynamic endpoint discovery uses the DDS Simple Discovery Protocol, which uses builtin discovery DataWriters and DataReaders to ...
8577 reads — 2 comments
TypeObject and TypeCode support in RTI Connext DDS During the matching process , RTI Connext DDS compares the structure of the topic types provided by the DataWriters and DataReaders to determine if they can communicate. To do so, the TypeObject or TypeCode is needed. If the TypeObject or TypeCode ...
10865 reads — 3 comments
By default, a DataWriter of an unbounded type won’t be able to communicate with a DataReader of a bounded type. DDS includes the max size of a bounded type as part of the data type information (known as TypeCode or TypeObject). Since the data type information is used during the Discovery phase, if ...
3649 reads — 0 comments
The DDS_SampleInfo associated with each sample contains the fields original_publication_virtual_guid and original_publication_virtual_sequence_number . This pair forms the SampleIdentity which uniquely identifies each individual sample. When a DataWriter uses write_w_params (), it can explicitly ...
3986 reads — 0 comments
If you have more than 5 DomainParticipants in the same machine, you may notice that your applications are not able to communicate with Participant number 6 and following ones. This is because by default we discover up to 5 DomainParticipants in one location. This behavior is controlled by the Peer ...
6347 reads — 0 comments
RTI Connext supports two ways of filtering data : using QueryConditions and ContentFilteredTopics . These two options differ in the moment when DDS applies the filter. QueryConditions filter data after the DataReader has received and queued it. That means that the application will receive all ...
3752 reads — 2 comments
A ‘match’ between the local and remote entities occurs only if the DataReader and DataWriter have the same Topic , compatible QoS policies, and a compatible data type. By default, type matching is done using the TypeObject . The DataReader’s type must be assignable from the DataWriter’s type. If ...
6695 reads — 0 comments
Type object and type code information maximum length can be set in QoS by adding to your QoS file <participant_qos> <resource_limits> <type_code_max_serialized_length>0</type_code_max_serialized_length> <type_object_max_serialized_length>0</ ...
5211 reads — 0 comments
Setting the PUBLISH_MODE QoS Policy's kind to ASYNCHRONOUS_PUBLISH_MODE allows you to make non-blocking write() calls. This means that instead of sending a sample before returning from write() , the data is enqueued and sent according to a flow controller. The HISTORY QoS Policy determines the size ...
3320 reads — 0 comments
This solution illustrates how to install host releases, targets, add-ons and patches using rtipkginstall. This solution applies to versions 5.2.0 and later of RTI Connext DDS. ...
10313 reads — 1 comment


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