RTI Core Libraries and Utilities

When you link your application with the RTI Connext DDS libraries, you can choose whether to use dynamic or static linking. But what is the best approach if you want to use the DDS Secure plug-in? There are some situations that you need to be aware of and avoid. This article describes the possible ...
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You can find the definition of “LOST_BY_WRITER” in the API: “ A DDSDataWriter removed the sample before being received by the DDSDataReader. This constant is an extension to the DDS standard. ” If you are using KEEP_LAST as the History kind , the reason for this data loss might be the following: ...
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Note: Applies to Connext DDS 5.x and above Sending TypeCode/TypeObject on the wire provides convenience over specifying the type via XML configuration, but has the disadvantage that more data must be sent during endpoint discovery. This can cause network congestion problems when the TypeCode/ ...
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The following three configurations are related to detecting issues on the TCP connections. Although they seem similar, they enable different features with subtle differences. Connection Liveliness When the Connection Liveliness feature is enabled, RTI TCP Transport Liveliness Request and Response ...
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When we call DataWriter::write() , we expect to see a user data packet sent on the wire, but under what conditions will Connext DDS send packets of its own accord? There are many reasons why Connext DDS may send messages other than user data. Some of the more common reasons are described below. ...
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The identity certificates that were shipped with Connext 5.3.1 expired on February 16th, 2019. Therefore, creating a DomainParticipant that tries to use those certificates will fail and will report different problems. This solution documents the most common error messages and provides a set of new certificates, private keys, signed governance, and signed permissions documents valid through February 2029. ...
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Connext 6 introduces two features: Zero Copy Transfer over Shared Memory and FlatData Language Binding . These features enable the middleware to reduce the number of copies involved in sending a sample, resulting in lower latencies for large data. The following examples show how to use these ...
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The DDS reliability protocol uses Heartbeat messages and ACKNACK messages to ensure the receipt of data. A DataReader sends an ACKNACK message in response to a DataWriter’s Heartbeat; this ACKNACK message indicates which samples the reader received, and which samples it has yet to receive. For ...
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Endpoint Discovery uses either unicast or multicast, depending on the situation. First, some background: Endpoint Discovery is the process used by endpoints (that is, DataReaders and DataWriters ) to locate each other before they can begin to communicate user data. When a DomainParticipant is ...
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The following message is an internal debugging message that is printed at REMOTE verbosity level: COMMENDSrWriterService_onSubmessage:!ACK ignored: number of active RR is > 1, but sum of RR at is 0 Seeing this message is expected during normal operation and it does not indicate that something is ...
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