
Using Connext DDS Professional, it is possible to configure your application such that the sending of a sample in calls like FooDataWriter_write is done by a separate thread (by default, the sending occurs in the thread calling to FooDataWriter_write ). This is accomplished using the Asynchronous ...
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RTI Admin Console uses several non-default QoS settings when interacting with Topics that are used to communicate with other RTI products. The out-of-the-box settings attempt to satisfy the majority of use cases customers have with other configurations, but sometimes it is necessary to change these ...
30374 reads — 1 comment
The function plain_cast allows casting a buffer of bytes within a FlatData sample into a C++ instance of the type represented by that buffer. This allows for better performance and ease of use. However, for plain_cast to work, the data sample must meet a number of restrictions that essentially ...
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Windows 10 consoles have a feature called Quick Edit that may cause confusion when using RTI Connext DDS applications that use the console. In particular, the application may appear to hang when the console window is clicked in with the mouse. This 'hanging effect' is a by-product of the Quick Edit ...
2621 reads — 1 comment
Note: Applies to RTI Connext 5.2.3 and before. Starting with Connext DDS 5.3.0 (also in 5.2.7) the number of locators that can be announced by a DomainParticipant increased from 4 to 16. However, older versions (5.2.3 or lower) only allow 4 locators to be announced as part of the Participant ...
2085 reads — 0 comments
Introduction RTI Connector offers a simplified API to Data Distribution Service. Different than the full DDS API, this lightweight API does not offer a one-to-one data mapping between the published or subscribed to datatype defined by the language (Javascript/Python). For example, if you use the C ...
2419 reads — 0 comments
In RTI Connext Micro , an external RTPS interface parses RTPS messages from other DomainParticipants and passes them to an internal RTPS session based on the received GUID. Each participant creates 1 external interface. Micro has a limit of 16 external RTPS interfaces, which implies a maximum of 16 ...
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