
This article illustrates how to enable XML validation in a QoS file. Many of the sample USER_QOS_PROFILES.xml files include an XML schema file (XSD) to assist in option selection (auto-completion) and syntax validation. Normally, this option is commented out by default. As an example, consider the ...
3381 reads — 0 comments
This article illustrates a method on how to enable logging in a QoS XML file. The available logging options include: Logging Verbosity Level Logging by Category Logging Print Format Logging to a File When Logging to a file, the user has the option of applying File Set generation rules: File Prefix ...
7104 reads — 0 comments
This article overviews how to enable logging within Modern C++ code. Logging options are illustrated via a simple example with hyperlinks to the relevant online documentation. The available logging options include: Logging Verbosity Level Logging by Category Logging Print Format Logging to a single ...
4729 reads — 0 comments
Note: Applies to RTI Connext DDS Micro 3.x and above Configuration via external files often isn’t allowed in certified applications, such as those used by the automotive industry. In such cases, the keys, governance, and permissions configuration used by RTI Security Plugins should be specified ...
2618 reads — 2 comments
“Note: This article applies to Connext DDS Professional 4.x and above” The QNX operating system provides in its SDK a front-end that calls a GCC named “qcc”. In the end, qcc will call the compiler, set the correct flags and link libraries based on the parameters that you use. The SDK provides the C ...
5556 reads — 0 comments
Clock Types RTI Connext DDS uses two different clocks: Internal clock: Used to measure time and handle timing inside the middleware. External clock: Used to generate source and reception timestamps. Both clocks can be configured to use different implementations: Realtime (system): Adjustable by the ...
6870 reads — 1 comment
What is Large Data? "Large" is defined as data that cannot be sent as a single packet by a transport; that is, the data is larger than the maximum transmission unit (MTU). For example, to send data larger than 63K reliably using UDP/IP, you may want to follow the recommendations in this article. ...
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