
Note: Applies to RTI Connext DDS 5.3.x If Persistence Service closes ungracefully (via Ctrl-C or the kill -9 command), a new Persistence Service instance will not be able to run. It will show the following error message: Database is already in use by another RTI Persistence Service or was ...
2841 reads — 0 comments
Starting with Connext DDS 5.3.0, all Connext DDS libraries for Windows platforms (static release/debug, dynamic release/debug) now link with the dynamic Windows C Runtime (CRT). If you have previous Windows projects that were linking with the Connext DDS static libraries, it will be necessary to ...
3301 reads — 0 comments
QoS configurations for transport when starting applications with network interfaces disabled for IP mobility use case With the introduction of version 5.3.0, Connext DDS supports Locator change at runtime. The IP mobility feature allows DDS applications to start without enabled network interfaces. ...
7142 reads — 0 comments
At the beginning of 2018, the computing world was witness to the publication of the Meltdown and Spectre vulnerabilities which affect a wide range of systems all over the world. Exploits of these vulnerabilities target specific behavior of the hardware (not the OS, nor program code) in order to ...
3377 reads — 0 comments
RTI Connext DDS assigns a number, called a GUID, to each entity in order to uniquely identify it for the discovery process to work correctly. You can control how to set the GUID using the value assigned to rtps_auto_id_kind . For more information, see Controlling How the GUID is Set ( ...
4303 reads — 0 comments
RTI Connext DDS Secure relies on OpenSSL to handle cryptographic functionality. Specifically, it uses the EVP family of functions to interface with OpenSSL. Therefore, if your hardware supports cryptographic acceleration, RTI Connext DDS Secure automatically utilizes hardware acceleration wherever ...
4137 reads — 0 comments
RTI Connext DDS uses a special discovery mechanism that allows RTI Tools such as Admin Console to find participants on different domains. The messages that make this possible are called default domain announcements. RTI Connext provides a couple of QoS settings that allow this special discovery ...
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