
The RTI Launcher part of RTI Connext 5.2.0 and 5.2.3 includes a third party tab. The third party tab is available on select platforms only. If the third party tools are not supported on your platform, you will not see the third party tab. The third party tab references the InformeDDS tool. ...
2880 reads — 0 comments
GCC 5.1 introduced a new version of libstdc++ with a library ABI that includes new implementations of std::string and std::list (see in GCC online documentation). This new ABI breaks backwards compatibility with applications and libraries linked against older versions of libstdc++ using std::string ...
5340 reads — 0 comments
It is possible to create an Entity (a DataReader , DataWriter, or DomainParticipant ) with a QoS profile defined in the USER_QOS_PROFILES.xml file. In the Java, C, Traditional C++ and .NET APIs, there are methods such as: DDS_Publisher_create_datawriter_with_profile() Depending on what kind of ...
5188 reads — 0 comments
RTI Connext DDS Micro provides two ways of determining endpoint information of other DomainParticipants: Dynamic Endpoint Discovery , and Static Endpoint Discovery . Dynamic endpoint discovery uses the DDS Simple Discovery Protocol, which uses builtin discovery DataWriters and DataReaders to ...
7942 reads — 2 comments
By default, a DataWriter of an unbounded type won’t be able to communicate with a DataReader of a bounded type. DDS includes the max size of a bounded type as part of the data type information (known as TypeCode or TypeObject). Since the data type information is used during the Discovery phase, if ...
3317 reads — 0 comments
The DDS_SampleInfo associated with each sample contains the fields original_publication_virtual_guid and original_publication_virtual_sequence_number . This pair forms the SampleIdentity which uniquely identifies each individual sample. When a DataWriter uses write_w_params (), it can explicitly ...
3718 reads — 0 comments
The error message “File-set is exhausted, recording will stop (no more space available in fileset and rollover inactive)” comes from the fact that the default maximum size for a file segment is 2 GB. When the recorded segment reaches 2 GB, Recorder stops. Below are two options for avoiding this ...
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