
Type object and type code information maximum length can be set in QoS by adding to your QoS file <participant_qos> <resource_limits> <type_code_max_serialized_length>0</type_code_max_serialized_length> <type_object_max_serialized_length>0</ ...
4953 reads — 0 comments
Setting the PUBLISH_MODE QoS Policy's kind to ASYNCHRONOUS_PUBLISH_MODE allows you to make non-blocking write() calls. This means that instead of sending a sample before returning from write() , the data is enqueued and sent according to a flow controller. The HISTORY QoS Policy determines the size ...
3088 reads — 0 comments
Note: Applies to RTI Connext DDS 5.0.0 and above. Database Integration Service may fail silently if the database character set is UTF-8 (by default in MySQL 5.6). As a consequence the communication between the database service and the Database Integration Service daemon (rtirtc_mysql) is not ...
2812 reads — 0 comments
This solution illustrates how to install host releases, targets, add-ons and patches using rtipkginstall. This solution applies to versions 5.2.0 and later of RTI Connext DDS. ...
9670 reads — 1 comment
Affects to RTI Connext DDS version 5.2.0 only With RTI Connext DDS 5.2.0, there are two scenarios that could cause RTI Launcher to not work correctly: The launcher did not correctly parse a license file when the computer’s locale was not English (due to the locale’s date format). Licensed features ...
4215 reads — 0 comments
Participants are able to know when other participants in the same domain are reachable or not (alive or dead). This is called Participant’s Liveliness. Discovery_Config QosPolicy has three properties that define this Participant’s Liveliness behavior: participant_liveliness_assert_period is the ...
10501 reads — 0 comments
The FIPS 140-2 standard applies to specific implementations of cryptographic modules. NIST validates modules for FIPS 140-2 compliance. The built-in security plugins included with RTI Connext DDS Secure use the standard distribution of OpenSSL for cryptography. This OpenSSL distribution is not FIPS ...
4143 reads — 0 comments
