
By default, a DataWriter of an unbounded type won’t be able to communicate with a DataReader of a bounded type. DDS includes the max size of a bounded type as part of the data type information (known as TypeCode or TypeObject). Since the data type information is used during the Discovery phase, if ...
3888 reads — 0 comments
The DDS_SampleInfo associated with each sample contains the fields original_publication_virtual_guid and original_publication_virtual_sequence_number . This pair forms the SampleIdentity which uniquely identifies each individual sample. When a DataWriter uses write_w_params (), it can explicitly ...
4144 reads — 0 comments
The error message “File-set is exhausted, recording will stop (no more space available in fileset and rollover inactive)” comes from the fact that the default maximum size for a file segment is 2 GB. When the recorded segment reaches 2 GB, Recorder stops. Below are two options for avoiding this ...
5419 reads — 0 comments
The default value for publish_with_original_info is false. When this property is set to false RTI Routing service will change the metadata fields Writer GUID and Sequence Number in every sample. As a consequence, the applications can not know the original source of the sample, that is the ID of the ...
4032 reads — 0 comments
If you have more than 5 DomainParticipants in the same machine, you may notice that your applications are not able to communicate with Participant number 6 and following ones. This is because by default we discover up to 5 DomainParticipants in one location. This behavior is controlled by the Peer ...
6635 reads — 0 comments
There are a some restrictions to take into account when integrating RTI Database Integration Service (DIS) and RTI DDS Toolkit for LabVIEW together. These are the following: The database limitations, see Appendix B on DIS User's Manual. National Instrument (NI) Cluster types are mapped to IDL types ...
3318 reads — 0 comments
In some cases RTI Database Integration Service fails to start even when the libraries are properly configured. The triggered error is the following: [root@localhost ~]# rtirtc_mysql -cfgName default -noDaemon RTI Database Integration Service to MySQL, Release 5.2.0: startup succeeded [ ...
5149 reads — 0 comments
