
For high-rate data, the usage of a WaitSet may lead to a very high CPU usage if the WaitSet wakes up too often. By default, a WaitSet is created without any properties specified. In this case, the WaitSet wakes up immediately every time a trigger event occurs. However, "waking up" involves a ...
5054 reads — 0 comments
Packets starting by RTPX are default domain discovery announcements. This is a new non-standard packet introduced in Connext 5.1.0 to help the tools discover applications running in other domains (for instance, RTI Admin Console). This packet is sent to the default multicast address and port for ...
3779 reads — 0 comments
The following error during shutdown: COMMENDBeReaderService_onSubmessage:!get ber remoteWriter indicates that a DataReader has received a sample but the corresponding remote DataWriter has already been deleted. If you are shutting down your entire system, you can probably ignore this message. ...
2641 reads — 0 comments
This solution is only a workaround until the Request/Reply API is available in LabVIEW. This will only work for one Requester and one Replier. The Request/Reply communication pattern is pretty useful for industrial applications. It is quite normal to have an application requesting an action to ...
15718 reads — 10 comments
If you create a large number of instances or entities and there is insufficient thread stack space, you can get the following error: REDAFastBufferPool_getBuffer:!precondition: pool==((void *)0) REDASkiplistNode_new:!create node REDASkiplist_assertNodeEA:!create node ...
3777 reads — 0 comments
A normal scenario in RTI Connext DDS is to have a Publisher that generates samples and several Subscribers that receive the generated data. In other words, the expected out-of-the-box behavior is for all Subscribers to get all the data. This is so because each Subscriber has its own DataReader for ...
4457 reads — 0 comments
There are some situations in which two applications, even though they have been configured to have each other in their initial peers lists, will not discover each other. Two applications are on the same machine and have only either or "localhost" in their initial peers lists AND ...
8811 reads — 0 comments
