
When using asynchronous publication and Best Effort reliability, you may see the warning: PRESWriterHistoryDriver_completeBeAsynchPub:!make_sample_reclaimable in topic 'MyTopic' This warning message may be caused by a small history depth you are configuring. Since you are using asynchronous ...
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If you are using Reliable communication, you could see a performance degradation due to packet loss and resending data sample fragments. This is more probable when using data bigger than 1500 Bytes (over Ethernet). In general, a DDS application using a transport such as UDPv4 splits data samples ...
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What is IP fragmentation? IP Fragmentation occurs when the payload provided from the transport layer (typically UDP or TCP) exceeds the maximum payload that fits in a single Ethernet Frame (a.k.a. MTU). When the receiver NIC gets IP fragments, it stores them in a buffer until all the fragments are ...
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