RTI Connext

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Last seen: 1 year 4 months ago
Joined: 12/20/2022
Posts: 6
Cyclone DDS and RTI Connext interoperability


I would like to use rti connext with cyclone DDS which means that I would like to have a subscriber in cyclone dds and publisher in rti connext. Is it possible? I tried this with same .idl file , but it doesnt subcribe anything in cyclone.

Thanks in advance. Any help would be highly appreciated.


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Last seen: 8 years 10 months ago
Joined: 09/13/2015
Posts: 1
regarding Connext DDS and Connext secure

Hello ,

         1.Considering DDS being a brokerless  solution, is there a meagre chance that DDS implementation can be done at broker level?

         2.Relating to the automatic discovery feature of DDS, RTI connext funadmentals of discovery somehow hampers the security aspect.

         For example , from the working context of discovery services, 

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