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Last seen: 6 years 5 months ago
Joined: 12/03/2017
Posts: 6
Need your advice


I'm working on master thesis project where I need to apply DDS with existing CPS system for smart buildings. CSP system's source code written with modeling language called ThingML. After compiling program runs as Java application.

Simple version of this CPS receive temperature from one or more thermometers. After that CPS sends signal to turn on/off heater switcher.

So my question is how/where to start?

RDDS: A Real-Time Data Distribution Service for Cyber-Physical Systems

Abstract: One of the primary requirements in many cyber-physical systems (CPS) is that the sensor data derived from the physical world should be disseminated in a timely and reliable manner to all interested collaborative entities. However, providing reliable and timely data dissemination services is especially challenging for CPS since they often operate in highly unpredictable environments. Existing network middleware has limitations in providing such services.

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