Dynamic Data: Publish and Subscribe Using Dynamic Data


Dynamic Data provides an easy way to access the members of a data sample. Such members can be primitive data types or complex data types such as arrays or sequences.

While the access to certain members is done by name, the access in multiple cardinality data types—such as arrays or sequences—is done by index. Primitive type sequences (e.g., DDS_Long and DDS_Double sequences) can be usually accessed using dedicated methods such as get_<type>_array() and get_<type>_seq(). However, that approach is not possible for non-primitive data (e.g., user defined types).

Using Dynamic Data you can access elements of arrays and sequences using a 1-based index access using the get_complex_member() and  bind_complex_member() methods.

Example Description

This example shows how to publish and subscribe Shapes using the Dynamic Data API. In particular, application that operate on the "Square" topic through Dynamic Data calls.

This example can be run along with RTI Shapes Demo as explained in the README file of each specific language. The Shapes.idl contains the following data structure:

struct ShapeType {
    @key string<128> color;
    long x;
    long y; 
    long shapesize;

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I have 2 kind of data types :

struct bite_msg_t {
    string<128> color; //@key
    long x;
    long y;

struct bite_iam_reply_t {
    string<128> color; //@key
    short a;
    short b;

As i realized , for publishing these 2 kinds of data types , I should make 2 topics and 2 datawriters. and for subscribing , i should make 2 kinds of Listeners and 2 datareaders?

I've really confused to write the code for this simple project.