QOS Monitoring

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Last seen: 2 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 03/31/2016
Posts: 23
QOS Monitoring


Is there a built-in mechanism/tool to monitor ALL the QOS that is set in each of the participants (and their Pubs/Subs + DW/DR)? 

The monitoring level provided in the AdminConsole only addresses the QOSs with the Request/Offered Semantics.


Thank you,


rip's picture
Last seen: 2 days 23 hours ago
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Anything that is not RxO is not - generally - going to have any "tells" on the wire.  The RxO needs to be on the wire, so that each peer can determine if RxO is met.  For things like History, which is not RxO, how deep or what kind is not sent because the remote peer doesn't care.  Makes it difficult to monitor what you are looking for, as it probably won't be there. 

You'd have to instrument that yourself (create a topic for announcing the information, and when ever you create something, also publish the QoS you are using on that topic).

Last seen: 4 years 5 months ago
Joined: 11/28/2016
Posts: 7

Hi Gal,

        It is true that you cannot read the non-RxO QoS on the wire. You can obtain the QoS yourself in your application as rip mentioned. But you don't need to do that yourself. We also provide a feature that allows you to read the QoS settings. This feature is RTI Monitoring Library. RTI Monitoring Library allows you to retrieve information about the status of your DDS entities, and also about the QoS used by each entity. The monitoring data can be visualized with RTI Monitor.

      You can find information about how to setup Monitoring Library in the User manual. Following the manual instructions, you can enable the Monitoring Library and visualize the QoS values in the Description Panel of RTI Monitor.

Best Regards,
       David Morales
Last seen: 2 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 03/31/2016
Posts: 23

Hi David,

I can't find any property in the monitor that propagates the entities' QOS for monitoring in the Monitor tool.
Can you please specify which property are you referring to? 

Thank you,

Last seen: 4 years 5 months ago
Joined: 11/28/2016
Posts: 7

Hi Gal,

        You can enable the RTI Monitor Library by following the instructions from the User Manual (Using Monitoring Library in Your Application subsection). Once the Monitor Library is enabled, the information such as the QoS will be automatically transmitted and Monitor will be able to display it without any further settings. To be able to read the QoS settings in the RTI Monitor, you should select the Entity you want to visualize and open the Description Panel.

Best Regards,
        David Morales
Last seen: 2 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 03/31/2016
Posts: 23

Hi David,

It does show more QOSs but not all of them.I thought that there was another panel to view ALL the QOSs (Presentation, Property etc.) because this is what I was looking for.

Thank you anyway,