Compilation failure with Java classes generated by rtiddsgen

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Joined: 08/22/2019
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Compilation failure with Java classes generated by rtiddsgen


I'm using rtiddsgen (from the 6.0.0 distribution) to generate Java classes from an IDL file.

rtiddsgen -d output -inputidl ida.idl -language Java -package -ppDisable -update typefiles

The Java classes are generated successfully, but some of them cannot be compiled. The errors reported by the Java compiler mainly have to do with converting to either a Sequence or a List. Here are a couple of examples:

C:\src\dds\xyz\ida\ error: incompatible types: XyzSeq cannot be converted to List
        take_untyped(received_data, info_seq, max_samples, sample_states,

C:\src\dds\xyz\ida\ error: incompatible types: int cannot be converted to XyzSeq
    public userData =  new;

Indeed, XyzSeq is not a List. It merely implements Copyable and Serializable. I assume I'm missing something when executing rtiddsgen, but so far I do not see it. Any suggestions are welcome.

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Last seen: 4 years 4 days ago
Joined: 08/14/2010
Posts: 42


   I need your ida.idl file in order to help you. Please attach it.


Last seen: 4 years 11 months ago
Joined: 08/22/2019
Posts: 4

Hi Irwin,

thank you for your trying to help. I'd create and upload a minimal IDL file, but we were able to identify the cause in the meantime. These messages had to to with sequences and lists that were not used directly but using a typedef. Eliminating the typedefs also made the Java files compilable.

Best regards, Stefan

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Last seen: 4 years 4 days ago
Joined: 08/14/2010
Posts: 42


     This is a known issue. The Bug ID is CODEGENII-1105. This fix is available in the Patch release. It will be incorporated in our next major release. That data is not scheduled yet.


Last seen: 4 years 11 months ago
Joined: 08/22/2019
Posts: 4


great, thank you for your feedback!

Best regards, Stefan