Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
DDS::AllocationSettings_tResource allocation settings
DDS::AsynchronousPublisherQosPolicyConfigures the mechanism that sends user data in an external middleware thread
DDS::AvailabilityQosPolicyConfigures the availability of data
DDS::BatchQosPolicyUsed to configure batching of multiple samples into a single network packet in order to increase throughput for small samples
DDS::BooleanSeqInstantiates DDS::Sequence < System::Boolean >
DDS::BuiltinTopicKey_tThe key type of the built-in topic types
DDS::BuiltinTopicReaderResourceLimits_tBuilt-in topic reader's resource limits
DDS::BytesBuilt-in type consisting of a variable-length array of opaque bytes
DDS::BytesDataReader<<interface>> Instantiates DataReader < DDS::Bytes >
DDS::BytesDataWriter<<interface>> Instantiates DataWriter < DDS::Bytes >
DDS::ByteSeqInstantiates DDS::Sequence < System::Byte >
DDS::BytesSeqInstantiates DDS::Sequence < DDS::Bytes >
DDS::BytesTypeSupport<<interface>> DDS::Bytes type support
DDS::ChannelSettings_tType used to configure the properties of a channel
DDS::ChannelSettingsSeqDeclares IDL sequence< DDS::ChannelSettings_t >
DDS::CharSeqInstantiates DDS::Sequence < System::Char >
DDS::Condition<<interface>> Root class for all the conditions that may be attached to a DDS::WaitSet
DDS::ConditionSeqInstantiates DDS::Sequence < DDS::Condition >
NDDS::Config_LibraryVersion_tThe version of a single library shipped as part of an RTI Data Distribution Service distribution
NDDS::ConfigLogger<<interface>> The singleton type used to configure RTI Data Distribution Service logging
NDDS::ConfigVersion<<interface>> The version of an RTI Data Distribution Service distribution
DDS::ContentFilteredTopic<<interface>> Specialization of DDS::TopicDescription that allows for content-based subscriptions
DDS::ContentFilterProperty_t<<eXtension>> Type used to provide all the required information to enable content filtering
DDS::Cookie_t<<eXtension>> Sequence of bytes identifying a written data sample, used when writing with parameters
DDS::DatabaseQosPolicyVarious threads and resource limits settings used by RTI Data Distribution Service to control its internal database
DDS::DataReader<<interface>> Allows the application to: (1) declare the data it wishes to receive (i.e. make a subscription) and (2) access the data received by the attached DDS::Subscriber
DDS::DataReaderCacheStatus<<eXtension>> The status of the reader's cache
DDS::DataReaderListener<<interface>> DDS::Listener for reader status
DDS::DataReaderProtocolQosPolicyAlong with DDS::WireProtocolQosPolicy and DDS::DataWriterProtocolQosPolicy, this QoS policy configures the DDS on-the-network protocol (RTPS)
DDS::DataReaderProtocolStatus<<eXtension>> The status of a reader's internal protocol related metrics, like the number of samples received, filtered, rejected; and status of wire protocol traffic
DDS::DataReaderQosQoS policies supported by a DDS::DataReader entity
DDS::DataReaderResourceLimitsQosPolicyVarious settings that configure how a DDS::DataReader allocates and uses physical memory for internal resources
DDS::DataReaderSeqDeclares IDL sequence < DDS::DataReader >
DDS::DataWriter<<interface>> Allows an application to set the value of the data to be published under a given DDS::Topic
DDS::DataWriterCacheStatus<<eXtension>> The status of the writer's cache
DDS::DataWriterListener<<interface>> DDS::Listener for writer status
DDS::DataWriterProtocolQosPolicyProtocol that applies only to DDS::DataWriter instances
DDS::DataWriterProtocolStatus<<eXtension>> The status of a writer's internal protocol related metrics, like the number of samples pushed, pulled, filtered; and status of wire protocol traffic
DDS::DataWriterQosQoS policies supported by a DDS::DataWriter entity
DDS::DataWriterResourceLimitsQosPolicyVarious settings that configure how a DDS::DataWriter allocates and uses physical memory for internal resources
DDS::DeadlineQosPolicyExpresses the maximum duration (deadline) within which an instance is expected to be updated
DDS::DestinationOrderQosPolicyControls how the middleware will deal with data sent by multiple DDS::DataWriter entities for the same instance of data (i.e., same DDS::Topic and key)
DDS::DiscoveryConfigQosPolicySettings for discovery configuration
DDS::DiscoveryQosPolicyConfigures the mechanism used by the middleware to automatically discover and connect with new remote applications
DDS::DomainEntity<<interface>> Abstract base class for all DDS entities except for the DDS::DomainParticipant
DDS::DomainParticipant<<interface>> Container for all DDS::DomainEntity objects
DDS::DomainParticipantFactory<<singleton>> <<interface>> Allows creation and destruction of DDS::DomainParticipant objects
DDS::DomainParticipantFactoryQosQoS policies supported by a DDS::DomainParticipantFactory
DDS::DomainParticipantListener<<interface>> Listener for participant status
DDS::DomainParticipantQosQoS policies supported by a DDS::DomainParticipant entity
DDS::DomainParticipantResourceLimitsQosPolicyVarious settings that configure how a DDS::DomainParticipant allocates and uses physical memory for internal resources, including the maximum sizes of various properties
DDS::DoubleSeqInstantiates DDS::Sequence < System::Double >
DDS::DurabilityQosPolicyThis QoS policy specifies whether or not RTI Data Distribution Service will store and deliver previously published data samples to new DDS::DataReader entities that join the network later
DDS::DurabilityServiceQosPolicyVarious settings to configure the external RTI Persistence Service used by RTI Data Distribution Service for DataWriters with a DDS::DurabilityQosPolicy setting of DDS::DurabilityQosPolicyKind::PERSISTENT_DURABILITY_QOS or DDS::DurabilityQosPolicyKind::TRANSIENT_DURABILITY_QOS
DDS::Duration_tType for duration representation
DDS::DynamicDataA sample of any complex data type, which can be inspected and manipulated reflectively
DDS::DynamicDataInfoA descriptor for a DDS::DynamicData object
DDS::DynamicDataMemberInfoA descriptor for a single member (i.e. field) of dynamically defined data type
DDS::DynamicDataProperty_tA collection of attributes used to configure DDS::DynamicData objects
DDS::DynamicDataReaderReads (subscribes to) objects of type DDS::DynamicData
DDS::DynamicDataSeqAn ordered collection of DDS::DynamicData elements
DDS::DynamicDataTypeProperty_tA collection of attributes used to configure DDS::DynamicDataTypeSupport objects
DDS::DynamicDataTypeSerializationProperty_tProperties that govern how data of a certain type will be serialized on the network
DDS::DynamicDataTypeSupportA factory for registering a dynamically defined type and creating DDS::DynamicData objects
DDS::DynamicDataWriterWrites (publishes) objects of type DDS::DynamicData
DDS::EndpointGroup_tSpecifies a group of endpoints that can be collectively identified by a name and satisfied by a quorum
DDS::EndpointGroupSeqA sequence of DDS::EndpointGroup_t
DDS::Entity<<interface>> Abstract base class for all the DDS objects that support QoS policies, a listener, and a status condition
DDS::EntityFactoryQosPolicyA QoS policy for all DDS::Entity types that can act as factories for one or more other DDS::Entity types
DDS::EntityNameQosPolicyAssigns a name and a role name to a DDS::DomainParticipant, DDS::DataWriter or DDS::DataReader. These names will be visible during the discovery process and in RTI tools to help you visualize and debug your system
DDS::EnumMemberA description of a member of an enumeration
DDS::EnumMemberSeqDefines a sequence of enumerator members
DDS::EventQosPolicySettings for event
DDS::ExceptionSuperclass of all exceptions thrown by the RTI Data Distribution Service API
DDS::ExclusiveAreaQosPolicyConfigures multi-thread concurrency and deadlock prevention capabilities
DDS::FloatSeqInstantiates DDS::Sequence < System::Single >
DDS::FlowController<<interface>> A flow controller is the object responsible for shaping the network traffic by determining when attached asynchronous DDS::DataWriter instances are allowed to write data
DDS::FlowControllerProperty_tDetermines the flow control characteristics of the DDS::FlowController
DDS::FlowControllerTokenBucketProperty_tDDS::FlowController uses the popular token bucket approach for open loop network flow control. The flow control characteristics are determined by the token bucket properties
FooA representative user-defined data type
FooDataReader<<interface>> <<generic>> User data type-specific data reader
FooDataWriter<<interface>> <<generic>> User data type specific data writer
FooSeq<<interface>> <<generic>> A type-safe, ordered collection of elements. The type of these elements is referred to in this documentation as Foo
FooTypeSupport<<interface>> <<generic>> User data type specific interface
DDS::GroupDataQosPolicyAttaches a buffer of opaque data that is distributed by means of Built-in Topics during discovery
DDS::GuardCondition<<interface>> A specific DDS::Condition whose trigger_value is completely under the control of the application
DDS::GUID_tType for GUID (Global Unique Identifier) representation
DDS::HistoryQosPolicySpecifies the behavior of RTI Data Distribution Service in the case where the value of a sample changes (one or more times) before it can be successfully communicated to one or more existing subscribers
DDS::ICopyable< T ><<eXtension>> <<interface>> Interface for all the user-defined data type classes that support copy
DDS::InstanceHandle_tType definition for an instance handle
DDS::InstanceHandleSeqInstantiates DDS::Sequence < DDS::InstanceHandle_t >
DDS::InstanceStateKindIndicates is the samples are from a live DDS::DataWriter or not
DDS::IntSeqInstantiates DDS::Sequence < System::Int32 >
DDS::ITopicDescription<<interface>> Base class for DDS::Topic, DDS::ContentFilteredTopic, and DDS::MultiTopic
DDS::KeyedBytesBuilt-in type consisting of a variable-length array of opaque bytes and a string that is the key
DDS::KeyedBytesDataReader<<interface>> Instantiates DataReader < DDS::KeyedBytes >
DDS::KeyedBytesDataWriter<<interface>> Instantiates DataWriter < DDS::KeyedBytes >
DDS::KeyedBytesSeqInstantiates DDS::Sequence < DDS::KeyedBytes >
DDS::KeyedBytesTypeSupport<<interface>> DDS::KeyedBytes type support
DDS::KeyedStringKeyed string built-in type
DDS::KeyedStringDataReader<<interface>> Instantiates DataReader < DDS::KeyedString >
DDS::KeyedStringDataWriter<<interface>> Instantiates DataWriter < DDS::KeyedString >
DDS::KeyedStringSeqInstantiates DDS::Sequence < DDS::KeyedString >
DDS::KeyedStringTypeSupport<<interface>> Keyed string type support
DDS::LatencyBudgetQosPolicyProvides a hint as to the maximum acceptable delay from the time the data is written to the time it is received by the subscribing applications
DDS::LifespanQosPolicySpecifies how long the data written by the DDS::DataWriter is considered valid
DDS::Listener<<interface>> Abstract base class for all Listener interfaces
DDS::LivelinessQosPolicySpecifies and configures the mechanism that allows DDS::DataReader entities to detect when DDS::DataWriter entities become disconnected or "dead."
DDS::LoanableSequence< E >A sequence implementation used internally by the middleware to efficiently manage memory during DDS::TypedDataReader::read and DDS::TypedDataReader::take operations
DDS::Locator_t<<eXtension>> Type used to represent the addressing information needed to send a message to an RTPS Endpoint using one of the supported transports
DDS::LocatorFilter_tThe QoS policy used to report the configuration of a MultiChannel DataWriter as part of DDS::PublicationBuiltinTopicData
DDS::LocatorFilterQosPolicyThe QoS policy used to report the configuration of a MultiChannel DataWriter as part of DDS::PublicationBuiltinTopicData
DDS::LocatorFilterSeqDeclares IDL sequence< DDS::LocatorFilter_t >
DDS::LocatorSeqDeclares IDL sequence < DDS::Locator_t >
DDS::LoggingQosPolicyConfigures the RTI Data Distribution Service logging facility
DDS::LongDoubleDefines an extra-precision floating-point data type, equivalent to IDL/CDR long double
DDS::LongDoubleSeqInstantiates DDS::Sequence < DDS::LongDouble >
DDS::LongSeqInstantiates DDS::Sequence < System::Int64 >
DDS::MultiChannelQosPolicyConfigures the ability of a DataWriter to send data on different multicast groups (addresses) based on the value of the data
DDS::MultiTopic[Not supported (optional)] <<interface>> A specialization of DDS::TopicDescription that allows subscriptions that combine/filter/rearrange data coming from several topics
DDS::OwnershipQosPolicySpecifies whether it is allowed for multiple DDS::DataWriter (s) to write the same instance of the data and if so, how these modifications should be arbitrated
DDS::OwnershipStrengthQosPolicySpecifies the value of the strength used to arbitrate among multiple DDS::DataWriter objects that attempt to modify the same instance of a data type (identified by DDS::Topic + key)
DDS::ParticipantBuiltinTopicDataEntry created when a DomainParticipant object is discovered
DDS::ParticipantBuiltinTopicDataDataReaderInstantiates DataReader < DDS::ParticipantBuiltinTopicData >
DDS::ParticipantBuiltinTopicDataSeqInstantiates DDS::Sequence < DDS::ParticipantBuiltinTopicData >
DDS::ParticipantBuiltinTopicDataTypeSupportInstantiates TypeSupport < DDS::ParticipantBuiltinTopicData >
DDS::PartitionQosPolicySet of strings that introduces a logical partition among the topics visible by a DDS::Publisher and a DDS::Subscriber
DDS::PresentationQosPolicySpecifies how the samples representing changes to data instances are presented to a subscribing application
DDS::ProductVersion_t<<eXtension>> Type used to represent the current version of RTI Data Distribution Service
DDS::ProfileQosPolicyConfigures the way that XML documents containing QoS profiles are loaded by RTI Data Distribution Service
DDS::Property_tProperties are name/value pairs objects
DDS::PropertyQosPolicyStores name/value(string) pairs that can be used to configure certain parameters of RTI Data Distribution Service that are not exposed through formal QoS policies. Can also be used to store and propagate application-specific name/value pairs that can be retrieved by user code during discovery
DDS::PropertyQosPolicyHelperPolicy Helpers which facilitate management of the properties in the input policy
DDS::PropertySeqDeclares IDL sequence < DDS::Property_t >
DDS::ProtocolVersion_t<<eXtension>> Type used to represent the version of the RTPS protocol
DDS::PublicationBuiltinTopicDataEntry created when a DDS::DataWriter is discovered in association with its Publisher
DDS::PublicationBuiltinTopicDataDataReaderInstantiates DataReader < DDS::PublicationBuiltinTopicData >
DDS::PublicationBuiltinTopicDataSeqInstantiates DDS::Sequence < DDS::PublicationBuiltinTopicData >
DDS::PublicationBuiltinTopicDataTypeSupportInstantiates TypeSupport < DDS::PublicationBuiltinTopicData >
DDS::Publisher<<interface>> A publisher is the object responsible for the actual dissemination of publications
DDS::PublisherListener<<interface>> DDS::Listener for DDS::Publisher status
DDS::PublisherQosQoS policies supported by a DDS::Publisher entity
DDS::PublisherSeqDeclares IDL sequence < DDS::Publisher >
DDS::PublishModeQosPolicySpecifies how RTI Data Distribution Service sends application data on the network. This QoS policy can be used to tell RTI Data Distribution Service to use its own thread to send data, instead of the user thread
DDS::QosPolicyCountType to hold a counter for a DDS::QosPolicyId_t
DDS::QosPolicyCountSeqDeclares IDL sequence < DDS::QosPolicyCount >
DDS::QueryCondition<<interface>> These are specialised DDS::ReadCondition objects that allow the application to also specify a filter on the locally available data
DDS::ReadCondition<<interface>> Conditions specifically dedicated to read operations and attached to one DDS::DataReader
DDS::ReaderDataLifecycleQosPolicyControls how a DataReader manages the lifecycle of the data that it has received
DDS::ReceiverPoolQosPolicyConfigures threads used by RTI Data Distribution Service to receive and process data from transports (for example, UDP sockets)
DDS::ReliabilityQosPolicyIndicates the level of reliability offered/requested by RTI Data Distribution Service
DDS::ReliableReaderActivityChangedStatus<<eXtension>> Describes the activity (i.e. are acknowledgements forthcoming) of reliable readers matched to a reliable writer
DDS::ReliableWriterCacheChangedStatus<<eXtension>> A summary of the state of a data writer's cache of unacknowledged samples written
DDS::ReliableWriterCacheEventCount<<eXtension>> The number of times the number of unacknowledged samples in the cache of a reliable writer hit a certain well-defined threshold
DDS::ResourceLimitsQosPolicyControls the amount of physical memory allocated for DDS entities, if dynamic allocations are allowed, and how they occur. Also controls memory usage among different instance values for keyed topics
DDS::Retcode_AlreadyDeletedThe object target of this operation has already been deleted
DDS::Retcode_BadParameterIllegal parameter value
DDS::Retcode_ErrorGeneric, unspecified error
DDS::Retcode_IllegalOperationThe operation was called under improper circumstances
DDS::Retcode_ImmutablePolicyApplication attempted to modify an immutable QoS policy
DDS::Retcode_InconsistentPolicyApplication specified a set of QoS policies that are not consistent with each other
DDS::Retcode_NoDataIndicates a transient situation where the operation did not return any data but there is no inherent error
DDS::Retcode_NotEnabledOperation invoked on a DDS::Entity that is not yet enabled
DDS::Retcode_OutOfResourcesRTI Data Distribution Service ran out of the resources needed to complete the operation
DDS::Retcode_PreconditionNotMetA pre-condition for the operation was not met
DDS::Retcode_TimeoutThe operation timed out
DDS::Retcode_UnsupportedUnsupported operation. Can only returned by operations that are unsupported
DDS::RtpsReliableReaderProtocol_tQos related to reliable reader protocol defined in RTPS
DDS::RtpsReliableWriterProtocol_tQoS related to the reliable writer protocol defined in RTPS
DDS::RtpsWellKnownPorts_tRTPS well-known port mapping configuration
DDS::SampleIdentity_tType definition for an Sample Identity
DDS::SampleInfoInformation that accompanies each sample that is read or taken
DDS::SampleInfoSeqDeclares IDL sequence < DDS::SampleInfo >
DDS::SampleStateKindIndicates whether or not a sample has ever been read
DDS::Sequence< T ><<interface>> <<generic>> A type-safe, ordered collection of elements. The type of these elements is referred to in this documentation as Foo
DDS::SequenceNumber_tType for sequence number representation
DDS::ShmemTransportBuilt-in transport plug-in for inter-process communications using shared memory
DDS::ShortSeqInstantiates DDS::Sequence < System::Int16 >
DDS::StatusCondition<<interface>> A specific DDS::Condition that is associated with each DDS::Entity
DDS::StringDataReader<<interface>> Instantiates DataReader < System::String >
DDS::StringDataWriter<<interface>> Instantiates DataWriter < System::String >
DDS::StringSeqInstantiates DDS::Sequence < System::String > with value type semantics
DDS::StringTypeSupport<<interface>> String type support
DDS::StructMemberA description of a member of a struct
DDS::StructMemberSeqDefines a sequence of struct members
DDS::Subscriber<<interface>> A subscriber is the object responsible for actually receiving data from a subscription
DDS::SubscriberListener<<interface>> DDS::Listener for status about a subscriber
DDS::SubscriberQosQoS policies supported by a DDS::Subscriber entity
DDS::SubscriberSeqDeclares IDL sequence < DDS::Subscriber >
DDS::SubscriptionBuiltinTopicDataEntry created when a DDS::DataReader is discovered in association with its Subscriber
DDS::SubscriptionBuiltinTopicDataDataReaderInstantiates DataReader < DDS::SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData >
DDS::SubscriptionBuiltinTopicDataSeqInstantiates DDS::Sequence < DDS::SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData >
DDS::SubscriptionBuiltinTopicDataTypeSupportInstantiates TypeSupport < DDS::SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData >
DDS::SystemResourceLimitsQosPolicyConfigures DDS::DomainParticipant-independent resources used by RTI Data Distribution Service. Mainly used to change the maximum number of DDS::DomainParticipant entities that can be created within a single process (address space)
DDS::ThreadSettings_tThe properties of a thread of execution
DDS::Time_tType for time representation
DDS::TimeBasedFilterQosPolicyFilter that allows a DDS::DataReader to specify that it is interested only in (potentially) a subset of the values of the data
DDS::Topic<<interface>> The most basic description of the data to be published and subscribed
DDS::TopicBuiltinTopicDataEntry created when a Topic object discovered
DDS::TopicBuiltinTopicDataDataReaderInstantiates DataReader < DDS::TopicBuiltinTopicData >
DDS::TopicBuiltinTopicDataSeqInstantiates DDS::Sequence < DDS::TopicBuiltinTopicData >
DDS::TopicBuiltinTopicDataTypeSupportInstantiates TypeSupport < DDS::TopicBuiltinTopicData >
DDS::TopicDataQosPolicyAttaches a buffer of opaque data that is distributed by means of Built-in Topics during discovery
DDS::TopicListener<<interface>> DDS::Listener for DDS::Topic entities
DDS::TopicQosQoS policies supported by a DDS::Topic entity
DDS::TransportBuiltinKindAliasBits in DDS::TransportBuiltinKindMask
DDS::TransportBuiltinQosPolicySpecifies which built-in transports are used
DDS::TransportMulticastMapping_tType representing a list of multicast mapping elements
DDS::TransportMulticastMappingFunction_tType representing an external mapping function
DDS::TransportMulticastMappingQosPolicySpecifies a list of topic_expressions and multicast addresses that can be used by an Entity with a specific topic name to receive data
DDS::TransportMulticastMappingSeqDeclares IDL sequence< DDS::TransportMulticastMapping_t >
DDS::TransportMulticastQosPolicySpecifies the multicast address on which a DDS::DataReader wants to receive its data. It can also specify a port number as well as a subset of the available (at the DDS::DomainParticipant level) transports with which to receive the multicast data
DDS::TransportMulticastSettings_tType representing a list of multicast locators
DDS::TransportMulticastSettingsSeqDeclares IDL sequence< DDS::TransportMulticastSettings_t >
DDS::TransportPriorityQosPolicyThis QoS policy allows the application to take advantage of transports that are capable of sending messages with different priorities
DDS::TransportSelectionQosPolicySpecifies the physical transports a DDS::DataWriter or DDS::DataReader may use to send or receive data
DDS::TransportUnicastQosPolicySpecifies a subset of transports and a port number that can be used by an Entity to receive data
DDS::TransportUnicastSettings_tType representing a list of unicast locators
DDS::TransportUnicastSettingsSeqDeclares IDL sequence< DDS::TransportUnicastSettings_t >
DDS::TypeCodeThe definition of a particular data type, which you can use to inspect the name, members, and other properties of types generated with rtiddsgen or to modify types you define yourself at runtime
DDS::TypeCodeFactoryA singleton factory for creating, copying, and deleting data type definitions dynamically
DDS::TypedDataReader< T ><<interface>> <<generic>> User data type-specific data reader
DDS::TypedDataWriter< T ><<interface>> <<generic>> User data type specific data writer
DDS::TypeSupport<<interface>> An abstract marker interface that has to be specialized for each concrete user data type that will be used by the application
DDS::TypeSupportQosPolicyAllows you to attach application-specific values to a DataWriter or DataReader that are passed to the serialization or deserialization routine of the associated data type
DDS::UDPv4TransportBuilt-in transport plug-in using UDP/IPv4
DDS::UDPv6TransportBuilt-in transport plug-in using UDP/IPv6
DDS::UnionMemberA description of a member of a union
DDS::UnionMemberSeqDefines a sequence of union members
DDS::UnsignedIntSeqInstantiates DDS::Sequence < System::UInt32 >
DDS::UnsignedLongSeqInstantiates DDS::Sequence < System::UInt64 >
DDS::UnsignedShortSeqInstantiates DDS::Sequence < System::UInt16 >
DDS::UserDataQosPolicyAttaches a buffer of opaque data that is distributed by means of Built-in Topics during discovery
DDS::ValueMemberA description of a member of a value type
DDS::ValueMemberSeqDefines a sequence of value members
DDS::VendorId_t<<eXtension>> Type used to represent the vendor of the service implementing the RTPS protocol
DDS::ViewStateKindIndicates whether or not an instance is new
DDS::WaitSet<<interface>> Allows an application to wait until one or more of the attached DDS::Condition objects has a trigger_value of true or else until the timeout expires
DDS::WaitSetProperty_t<<eXtension>> Specifies the DDS::WaitSet behavior for multiple trigger events
DDS::WcharSeqInstantiates DDS::Sequence < System::Char >
DDS::WireProtocolQosPolicySpecifies the wire-protocol-related attributes for the DDS::DomainParticipant
DDS::WriterDataLifecycleQosPolicyControls how a DDS::DataWriter handles the lifecycle of the instances (keys) that it is registered to manage
DDS::WstringSeqInstantiates DDS::Sequence < System::Char* >

RTI Data Distribution Service .Net APIs Version 4.5e Copyright © 23 Oct 2011 Real-Time Innovations, Inc