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Joined: 02/15/2019
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What protocol did DDS use before RTPS came about?


The first 3 versions of the DDS specification were released in 2004, 2005, and 2006 respectively. Version 2.0 of RTPS was released in 2008:

DDS OMG Specification Versions:

1.0: Dec 2004
1.1: Dec 2005
1.2: Dec 2006
1.4: Mar 2015

RTPS OMG Specification Versions:

2.0: April 2008
2.1: Nov 2010
2.2: Sep 2014
2.3: May 2019
2.5: Apr 2022

OMG DDS Interoperability Demo 2011

Interoperability demonstration between 5 different products that implement the OMG DDS Interoperability Wire Protocol (DDS-RTPS). The demonstration took place at the March 2011 OMG technical meeting in Washington DC. The following companies demonstrated interoperability between their products: RTI (Connext DDS). TwinOaks Computing (CoreDX), PrismTech (OpenSpliceDDS), Gallium Visual Systems/Kongsberg (Compass DDS), and IBM.

Conference or Venue:

OMG DDS Interoperability Demo 2010

Interoperability demonstration between 6 different products that implement the OMG DDS Interoperability Wire Protocol (DDS-RTPS). The demonstration took place at the December 2010 OMG technical meeting in Santa Clara, California. The following companies demonstrated interoperability between their products: RTI (Connext DDS). TwinOaks Computing (CoreDX), PrismTech (OpenSpliceDDS), Gallium Visual Systems/Kongsberg (Compass DDS).

Conference or Venue:

OMG DDS Interoperability Demo 2009

Interoperability demonstration between 3 different products that implement the OMG DDS Interoperability Wire Protocol (DDS-RTPS). The demonstration took place at the March 2009 OMG technical meeting in Washington DC. The following companies demonstrated interoperability between their products: RTI (Connext DDS). TwinOaks Computing (CoreDX), PrismTech (OpenSpliceDDS).

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