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Last seen: 1 year 9 months ago
Joined: 05/31/2023
Posts: 2
Security authentication handshake errors when RTI DDS and Cyclone DDS interoperability

Hello RTI Expert,

    Thanks for your support in advance.

    I am testing the DDS interoperability between RTI DDS and Cyclone DDS with enabling DDS Security feature. Unfortunately, it does not work.

    The scenario is described as follows.

    1. DDS Security files are created (ID CA, Permision CA, Keys, Governance file, Permission file, etc).

    2. Cyclone DDS and RTI DDS use and load these same security files.

    3. Cyclone DDS takes a subscriber role and RTI DDS is as publisher role.


VSI/GVA Data Model

 Overview of the UK Generic Vehicle Architecture (GVA) the motivation, architecture, and technical components.

Conference or Venue:

OMG DDS Interoperability Demo 2011

Interoperability demonstration between 5 different products that implement the OMG DDS Interoperability Wire Protocol (DDS-RTPS). The demonstration took place at the March 2011 OMG technical meeting in Washington DC. The following companies demonstrated interoperability between their products: RTI (Connext DDS). TwinOaks Computing (CoreDX), PrismTech (OpenSpliceDDS), Gallium Visual Systems/Kongsberg (Compass DDS), and IBM.

Conference or Venue:

OMG DDS Interoperability Demo 2010

Interoperability demonstration between 6 different products that implement the OMG DDS Interoperability Wire Protocol (DDS-RTPS). The demonstration took place at the December 2010 OMG technical meeting in Santa Clara, California. The following companies demonstrated interoperability between their products: RTI (Connext DDS). TwinOaks Computing (CoreDX), PrismTech (OpenSpliceDDS), Gallium Visual Systems/Kongsberg (Compass DDS).

Conference or Venue:

OMG DDS Interoperability Demo 2009

Interoperability demonstration between 3 different products that implement the OMG DDS Interoperability Wire Protocol (DDS-RTPS). The demonstration took place at the March 2009 OMG technical meeting in Washington DC. The following companies demonstrated interoperability between their products: RTI (Connext DDS). TwinOaks Computing (CoreDX), PrismTech (OpenSpliceDDS).

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A content-aware bridging service for publish/subscribe environments

Abstract: The OMG DDS (Data Distribution Service) standard specifies a middleware for distributing real-time data using a publish-subscribe data-centric approach. Until now, DDS systems have been restricted to a single and isolated DDS domain, normally deployed within a single multicast-enabled LAN. As systems grow larger, the need to interconnect different DDS domains arises. In this paper, we consider the problem of communicating disjoint data-spaces that may use different schemas to refer to similar information.

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