We have an SOA toolchain developed in C++ based on DDS, and we are looking to migrate it into LabVIEW. This SOA implementation utilizes an RPC mechanism. Therefore, we need RPC over DDS features in the LabVIEW toolkit. Is it possible to achieve this? Thank you!
Hi all,
In this PDF (http://portals.omg.org/dds/sites/default/files/Comparison_of_DDS_and_JMS.pdf) published by RTI it states on page 40:
"However, DDS can also be used in enterprise environments; a message-driven bean using DDS can potentially simplify Java EE integration."
Hey all,
I'm looking for a way to make my DDS implementation more generic. I know this will be tough because the IDL generates very specific classes per topic. So i guess the idea would be to have a generic publisher, and a generic subscriber. This way i could just pass in an instance of the Topic and it's reader/writer, and then just publish/subscribe to Topics. Does anyone have any design patterns for this, or suggestions for breaking up the functionality?