
Reactive Stream Processing for Data-centric Publish/Subscribe

The Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm has given rise to a new class of applications wherein complex data analytics must be performed in real-time on large volumes of fast-moving, heterogeneous sensor-generated data. Such data streams are often unbounded and must be processed in a distributed and parallel manner to ensure timely processing and delivery to interested subscribers.

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Last seen: 10 years 6 months ago
Joined: 10/09/2013
Posts: 4
java distribution, possible without setting NDDSHOME?

I'm currently upgrading Rti 5.0 to 5.1 for a Java application.   However I've been handed a new requirement: build the application and installer so that it does not rely upon %NDDSHOME%.  

Is this possible?   Previous documentation listed creation of ENV var %NDDSHOME% and putting the DLLs and Jar in your path as a redistribution requirement.   


An Extensible Architecture for Avionics Sensor Health Assessment Using Data Distribution Service (Draft)

Avionics Sensor Health Assessment is a sub-discipline of Integrated Vehicle Health Management (IVHM), which relates to the collection of sensor data, distributing it to diagnostics/prognostics algorithms, detecting run-time anomalies, and scheduling maintenance procedures. Real-time availability of the sensor health diagnostics for aircraft (manned or unmanned) subsystems allows pilots and operators to improve operational decisions. Therefore, avionics sensor health assessments are used extensively in the mil-aero domain.

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