Hey there,
I am using rticonnextdds-connector in Python. I have been using examples/python/simple .
Could I get any rticonnextdds-connector description?
I cannot understand this code exactly because rticonnextdds-connector refers to .so file.
I am trying to get the py.test examples working with my .xml file and test data..
I keep getting this error:
So I had a question regarding the rti-connextdds connector python APIs.
I made a small change to expose the reception_time from the sample info structure by making a call to the rti.RTIDDSConnector_getNumberFromInfos (by looking at the rticonnextdds-connector.js)
Hello, I'm Mati and I'm new to RTI Connext DDS, so I apologize if some of my questions are trivial.
I have a few questions regarding the community's rticonnextdds-connector for node.js.
So far, I've successfully got the package to work in a testing project and I'm able to read Squares published by the
Shapes Demo.
I got myself familiar with the connector's javascript part of the code and it seems it's just covers the most basics
for reading and writing. The documentation also states that it's primary purpose is for rapid prototyping.
We would like to use the rticonnextdds-connector because we have a Python program which we want to communicate with others DDS modules. However, our platform is not supported. It is armv7-qnx6.5.0.
Would it be possible a new port? If not, we think to use https://github.com/forrestv/pyDDS but its API is poor and we want to use the dynamic data, for that, the RTI Connector seems much better solution.
Thank you in advance.
Best regards,