4.5.6. What’s Fixed in 7.0.0

[Critical]: System-stopping issue, such as a crash or data loss.
[Major]: Significant issue with no easy workaround.
[Minor]: Issue that usually has a workaround.
[Trivial]: Small issue, such as a typo in a log. [Major] Renamed items were not updated in System Designer’s UI

References to items were not updated in System Designer after the item was renamed. This caused System Designer to generate an invalid configuration file. This problem has been resolved. Now System Designer will automatically update all references to the renamed item.

[RTI Issue ID SYSD-975] [Minor] Unsupported QoS elements and policies appeared in Configuration

The following elements have been removed from System Designer, since they are not supported:

  • table_allocation_block_size from DDSDatabaseQosPolicy

  • writer_depth from DDSDurabilityServiceQosPolicy

  • multi_channel from DDSDatareaderQosProfile

  • assertions_per_lease_duration from DDSLivelinessQosPolicy only for DataReader and Topic QoS

  • cpu_list from thread only for Event and Database QoS

  • cpu_rotation from thread only for Event and Database QoS

  • address_bit_count

[RTI Issue ID SYSD-936] [Minor] Unconfigurable QoS XML elements and policies appeared in Configuration

The following elements have been removed from System Designer, since they are not configurable through XML:

Participant QoS:

  • discovery_config.asynchronous_publisher.thread.cpu_list

  • discovery_config.asynchronous_publisher.thread.cpu_rotation

  • discovery_config.asynchronous_publisher.disable_asynchronous_batch

  • discovery_config.asynchronous_publisher.asynchronous_batch_thread

  • discovery_config.asynchronous_publisher.disable_topic_query_publication

  • discovery_config.asynchronous_publisher.topic_query_publication_thread

  • discovery_config.publication_reader.min_app_ack_response_keep_duration

  • discovery_config.subscription_reader.min_app_ack_response_keep_duration

Publisher QoS:

  • asynchronous_publisher.thread.cpu_list

  • asynchronous_publisher.thread.cpu_rotation

  • asynchronous_publisher.asynchronous_batch_thread.cpu_list

  • asynchronous_publisher.asynchronous_batch_thread.cpu_rotation

  • asynchronous_publisher.topic_query_publication_thread.cpu_list

  • asynchronous_publisher.topic_query_publication_thread.cpu_rotation

  • presentation.drop_incomplete_coherent_set

DataReader QoS:

  • representation.compression_settings.writer_compression_level

  • representation.compression_settings.writer_compression_threshold

Topic QoS:

  • durability.writer_depth

[RTI Issue ID SYSD-950] [Minor] Incomplete error messages when importing an XML file in some web browsers

When importing an XML file, any error messages reported by System Designer were incomplete in some web browsers. This problem has been resolved. Now System Designer will report the cause of the error if there is a problem importing an XML file.

[RTI Issue ID SYSD-978] [Minor] Deleting project files from disk may have left some empty directories

Deleting project files from disk may have left some empty directories. This occurred if any of the XML files in the project were in a different directory than the project file. This problem has been resolved.

[RTI Issue ID SYSD-984] [Minor] Discrepancy between range defined by System Designer and by API for certain elements

For certain elements, the range defined by System Designer did not match the range defined by the API. This problem has been resolved. Now, values that are supported by the API but not System Designer, will not appear as an error in System Designer, and vice versa.

[RTI Issue ID SYSD-998] [Minor] System Designer unable to edit Domain after detecting invalid Domain ID

If you entered an invalid Domain ID when creating a Domain, System Designer reported an error, such as “Invalid domain id”. Then System Designer would not allow you to further edit that domain and logged another error, such as “Domain name already used.” This problem has been resolved.

[RTI Issue ID SYSD-1000] [Minor] IDL and XML text editors appeared empty on network-isolated system

On a network-isolated system, System Designer failed to populate the IDL and XML text editors with their content; the editors appeared empty. This problem has been resolved.

[RTI Issue ID SYSD-1003] [Minor] System Designer failed to import multiple XML files

System Designer was unable to import multiple XML files. This problem has been resolved. The second window that System Designer displays after a file is selected has been updated to list the XML files that you are trying to import.

Selecting which file to import

[RTI Issue ID SYSD-1009] [Minor] Unable to add default case to Union member when adding more than one case value

The default case could not be added to a Union member when adding more than one case value. This problem has been resolved. Now you can enter the default case when adding more than one case value.

Entering a default case for a union member

[RTI Issue ID SYSD-1011] [Minor] Types tab did not show #include directives from XML file

System Designer’s Types tab did not display any #include directives found in the XML file. This problem has been resolved. Now System Designer will display any #include directives from the XML file in the Types Tab.

#includes appear under types

[RTI Issue ID SYSD-1012] [Minor] Unable to move an element up or down in Types tab, in some cases

Moving an element up or down in the Types tab did not work in in some cases.

For instance, suppose you wanted to move an element we’ll call “E”. It could not be moved if:

  • Another element, above or below E, was not available to be moved due to its DomainParticipant-level Partition.

  • Another element, above or below E, had a member with the same name as E.

  • The name of another element, above or below E, was the same as one of E’s members.

Unable to move element up or down

This problem has been resolved. Now System Designer will move the elements up or down as requested, even in the above scenarios.

[RTI Issue IDs SYSD-1016, SYSD-1018] [Minor] Failure in Types tab when trying to add module with same name as another

When defining a module in the Types tab, System Designer failed when trying to add a module with the same name as another module that was defined in a read-only file. This problem has been resolved (as shown in the screen capture below).

Now can add module with same name

[RTI Issue ID SYSD-1017] [Minor] Could not create new file in Types tab if project contained read-only file

System Designer could not create a new file in the Types tab if the project contained a read-only file. This problem has been resolved.

[RTI Issue ID SYSD-1022] [Trivial] System Designer incorrectly allowed XML and IDL to be edited in XML and IDL views

System Designer incorrectly allowed the XML and IDL to be edited in the XML and IDL view. These changes were not reflected in the structured view. This problem has been resolved. Editing the XML directly can only be done by clicking on the Edit XML button.

[RTI Issue ID SYSD-989]