4.4. What’s Fixed in 7.3.0 LTS

This section describes bugs fixed in System Designer 7.3.0 LTS. These are fixes applied since 7.2.0.

For information on what was fixed in releases 7.0.0, 7.1.0, and 7.2.0, which are also part of 7.3.0 LTS, see Previous Releases.

[Critical]: System-stopping issue, such as a crash or data loss.
[Major]: Significant issue with no easy workaround.
[Minor]: Issue that usually has a workaround.
[Trivial]: Small issue, such as a typo in a log.

4.4.1. Hangs [Major] System Designer did not load an XML file with a Default case inside a Union *

System Designer failed to load an XML file containing a default case inside an Union.

[RTI Issue ID SYSD-1169]

4.4.2. Other [Major] System Designer failed to open a project if an included file was added multiple times

System Designer did not open a project if an included file that used the #include directive was present multiple times. Now, System Designer will load the project and display the files where the #include directive is present. Removing the #include directive will cause System Designer to remove all the references to the included file.

[RTI Issue ID SYSD-1176] [Major] System Designer generated an invalid XML file when enabled_metrics_selection and/or disabled_metrics_selection were configured

System Designer generated an invalid XML file when the enabled_metrics_selection and/or disabled_metrics_selection properties were configured. An extra element tag was incorrectly added to the XML file.


Due to this issue, System Designer did not display the name of the two monitoring QoSs in the GUI when configuring the Monitoring metrics.

[RTI Issue ID SYSD-1205] [Minor] Unable to add new elements to current project after adding Include *

System Designer failed to add new elements, such as data types, to the current project after adding an Include. Any new element added after adding the Include displayed in the Structured View, but was not added to the open XML. In addition, System Designer did not prevent adding an Include of the same XML file.

System Designer now detects all attempts to add any Include in the same XML file and reports errors as they occur.

[RTI Issue ID SYSD-1156] [Minor] IDL file string constants erroneously included extra quotes

When viewing or importing an IDL file in System Designer, an extra escaped quote (\”) was included at the beginning and end of each string constant. String constants in IDL files are now imported and displayed correctly, without extra quotes.

[RTI Issue ID SYSD-1155] [Minor] System Designer did not find included files when #include directives used relative paths *

System Designer could not locate included files when the #include directive used a relative path. Relative paths are now supported.

[RTI Issue ID SYSD-1139] [Minor] System Designer failed to load XML files containing some elements accepted by XSD *

System Designer failed to load an XML file if any of the following elements were present:

  • assertions_per_lease_duration in the DataReader and Topic QoS

  • writer_depth in the Topic QoS

These elements are accepted by the XSD, but they are ignored when configured in XML. Because of that, System Designer won’t allow these elements to be configured by the GUI, but it will accept them if they are part of an existing XML file.

[RTI Issue ID SYSD-1136]

* This bug does not affect you if you are upgrading from 6.1.x or earlier.