4.5.4. What’s Fixed in 7.1.0

[Critical]: System-stopping issue, such as a crash or data loss.
[Major]: Significant issue with no easy workaround.
[Minor]: Issue that usually has a workaround.
[Trivial]: Small issue, such as a typo in a log. [Minor] System Designer did not select newly created files

After creating an element in a new file while working in any available View (Types, QoS, Domain, etc.), System Designer did not select the new file. As a result, the XML tab displayed all elements instead of only those elements defined in the new file. This problem has been resolved.

[RTI Issue ID SYSD-1096] [Minor] The Add more… command did not generate a new member name when adding an Enumerator or Struct member

When adding multiple members to an Enumeration or Struct data type, the Add more… button did not update the Name field with a new, unique member name. This problem has been resolved.

[RTI Issue ID SYSD-1039] [Minor] System Designer failed to create string and wstring constants

When trying to define a string or wstring constant in System Designer, the following error was thrown:

Value does not match constant type

This problem has been resolved.

[RTI Issue ID SYSD-1042] [Minor] System Designer did not open new projects in a new window

When the Open in a new window option was selected in the New Project dialog, System Designer did not open the project in a new window and generated the following error:

Unable to load the project: missing path from req.query.

This problem has been resolved.

[RTI Issue ID SYSD-1045] [Minor] System Designer did not create a new XML file when creating a new element *

After creating a new element from any tab (QoS, Types, Domain, or Participant), System Designer failed to create a new XML file. This issue has been resolved.

[RTI Issue ID SYSD-1053] [Minor] System Designer failed to create a Typedef when using @default, @min or @max annotations

System Designer did not create a new Typedef if @default, @min, or @max annotations were selected in the Add Typedef dialog. This problem has been resolved.

[RTI Issue ID SYSD-1056] [Minor] System Designer failed to change the Directive Kind in an existing directive *

When editing an existing directive, System Designer did not allow changes to the Directive Kind field. This problem has been resolved.

[RTI Issue ID SYSD-1067]