4.5.3. What’s New in 7.1.0 New Types View option enables adding, editing, and removing #include directives

The Types View now includes an option to add, edit, and remove #include directives. In addition, System Designer displays the Data Types defined inside any #include directive when:

  • Expanding the element in the Structured panel.

  • Defining a Struct or Typedef. The elements defined inside the #include directive will appear in the suggestion list. New Routing Service XML configuration views

The following new Routing Service configuration views have been added in System Designer.

  • Routing Services: Use this view to define the configuration of an execution of Routing Service. See Define Routing Services in the System Designer Getting Started Guide.

  • Plugin Libraries: Use this view to define the pluggable components specific to a Routing Service. See Define Plugins in the System Designer Getting Started Guide.

  • Configuration Variables: Use this view to assign default values to XML variables. See Define User Environment variables in the System Designer Getting Started Guide. New field to configure RTPS PSK Protection

A new field, RTPS Protection Preshared Key, is available to configure the new RTPS PSK Protection. The field is located on the Cryptography tab when configuring security on the DomainParticipant QoS. New field to configure notification when a security certificate is about to expire

A new field, Certificate Expiration Advance Notice, is available in Security Global Settings. This field enables you to configure how far in advance, in seconds, you want to be notified about a security certificate that is about to expire. Copy directive (@copy) now available for C# and Python

The following C# and Python directives are now available in System Designer:

  • copyCs

  • copyCsDeclaration

  • copyPy

  • copyPyDeclaration

The following C++ directives were removed from System Designer. XML files containing these deprecated directives will not load, and System Designer will throw the error message Error: Invalid directiveKind: copyCppcli.

  • copyCppcli

  • copyCppcliDeclaration Support for the OBSERVABILITY_COLLECTOR_SERVICE_QOS kind category

System Designer now supports the OBSERVABILITY_COLLECTOR_SERVICE_QOS kind category. New fields to configure the Participant Factory QoS Monitoring Tag

A new set of fields enables you to configure the Monitoring Tag when defining a Participant Factory QoS. Third-party software upgrades

The following third-party software used by System Designer has been upgraded:

Table 4.4 Third-Party Software Changes

Third-Party Software

Previous Version

Current Version







These upgrades may fix potential vulnerabilities. See Fixes Related to Vulnerabilities. For information on third-party software used by Connext products, see the “3rdPartySoftware” documents in your installation: <NDDSHOME>/doc/manuals/connext_dds_professional/release_notes_3rdparty.