DDS Routing Service

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ROS2 Router: Service Call Request made, but no Response

I have 2 host in 1 LAN, 1 Domain. HostA have interface while HostB have interface One of 1 host is local_host_only.

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Last seen: 2 months 4 weeks ago
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RTI Administration Console cannot show Routing Service

I am new to RTI. 

I am following this document to try routering service, (using RTI DDS 6.1.2)

When I do "13.2. Example: Routing a single specific Topic", the routing service is working.
But I can NOT use the Administrator Console to monitor the status of the Routing Service.

The error message pops out "At this time the Admin Console does not have monitoring data for this Routing Service: ..."

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Last seen: 1 year 10 months ago
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How to using routing service transport data with security plugins? [Solved]


I'm using Routing Service to transport my data by Traversing Wide AreaNetworks.

If I didn't using security plugins it will work. But if using security plugins it didn't recive any data.

When the publisher and subscriber at same LAN it totally fine.

Isn't I need to setting security or something for Routing Service?

my version is 6.1.1  pro

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Last seen: 2 years 1 month ago
Joined: 09/19/2021
Posts: 9
ROuting Service Output Type Deduction


I'm using the routing service with Connext DDS 6.0.1. Instead of strongly typing the input/output types, I would like to use the reflection features of the routing service, which deduces the types from the types given in the xml file.

I can currently do this without problem with the plugins written in C. However in C++, I'm having difficulty transferring the

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Last seen: 2 years 10 months ago
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Dynamic Data: Binary Blob field

As part of an effort to convert a legacy system to DDS I'm working on a Routing Service Adapter that commmunicates over a socket with the legacy system. For messages that only go one place we just pull them off the wire and pull out some key fields to filter on but the message is basicly a variable length binary blob.

The .idl looks like this. 

struct LegacyEvents
int32 message_type;
sequence<char,LEGACY_BODY_MAX_LENGTH> body;

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Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
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Routing automatically adopt to existing publisher or subscriber QoS


I wonder if it is possible to configure RTI routing service to automatically adopt or replicate the QoS settings of the participant’s publisher/subscriber and writer/reader?

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Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
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RTI Routing only works on specific domain id and port


I am trying to use the RTI Routing for to route the Shapes demo between two separate Linux computers. Each Linux computer is running one instance of RTI Routing and one instance of Shapes demo. Each routing instance is also executed inside a Docker container. I have published the port using the parameter --publish 7400:7400 in the Docker run command. I am usinga slightly modified version of the example tcp_transport.xml, the one for WAN.

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Last seen: 8 months 1 week ago
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Liveliness from sample update frequency?

We are planning on having a point-to-point transport between two Router services that will be over a low-bandwidth communication path.  Because of this, we want to disable all of the discovery traffic and as much of the "meta" traffic as possible.  Given this, is there a way to configure reader QoS such that it detects liveliness based solely receipt of instance samples?  Put another way, is there a way to eliminate liveliness assertions and still have liveliness?

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Last seen: 8 months 1 week ago
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Handling liveliness with RTI Routing Services

What is the recommended way of forwarding liveliness state when using the RTI Routing services?

Suppose we what this scenario:  We have a router configured at Site A to subscribe to a topic, transform it, and publish the transformed version back out on a point-to-point connection to another router at Site B.  The router at Site B simply republishes the topic on the multicast transport.

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Joined: 10/17/2017
Posts: 6
Distributed Logger Application Based File Logging

Language: Java

RTI Version:



I am launching 3 routing service instances via the RTIRoutingService.bat files which launch rtiroutingservice.exe programs.

Due to the inability to configure the routing service to log directly to a file I am forced to use the RTI Distributed Logger to receive log messages.

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