6.2.14. RTI Administration Console

The following issues may affect backward compatibility in Admin Console starting in Release 6.0.0.

Admin Console is affected by changes in Connext. Therefore, you should refer to Section 6.1 and Section 6.2.1 for compatibility information that may affect Admin Console. See also compatibility information for Routing Service (Section 6.2.8) and Recording Service (Section 6.2.9). New Default GUID Generator Mode

See information about this change in Section New GTK+ and Cairo Dependencies

To run Admin Console on a Linux platform, Admin Console requires at least GTK+ 2 version 2.24.0 and its dependencies. Admin Console also needs to have at least Cairo version 1.9.4 and its dependencies. As a result of these dependencies, Admin Console might not be able to run on some operating systems, such as SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2 (which has an older version of GTK+ 2). Connext Micro Compatibility

Connext Micro 2.4.11 and below does not communicate with any Connext 6.0.0 product, due to a change in the RTPS version number introduced in 6.0.0. (See “Fixes Related to OMG Specification Compliance” in the RTI Connext Core Libraries Release Notes.) Therefore, when you view Connext Micro 2.4.11 applications or below in Admin Console 6.0.0, you may not see the entities at all or you may not see the endpoints (DataWriters and DataReaders). If you need Connext Micro 2.4.11 applications or below to communicate with Connext 6.0.0 applications, see the article Workaround for discovery failure between RTI Connext Micro 2.4.11 and RTI Connext 6.0.0 or contact RTI Support at support@rti.com.

This issue has been fixed in Connext Micro 2.4.12, which does communicate with a Connext 6.0.x product.