8.5. Regressions in 7.0.0

The following regressions were introduced in Connext 7.0.0.

8.5.1. Core Libraries Some properties no longer accept LENGTH_UNLIMITED string as valid value

Some properties, such as dds.data_writer.history.memory_manager.fast_pool.pool_buffer_max_size, can’t be set to the special “unlimited” value using the string “LENGTH_UNLIMITED”. Use “-1” instead.

Not fixed

[RTI Issue ID CORE-14328] Possible segmentation fault while enabling a DataWriter that enables batching

Consider the following scenario:

  • You are using the Java API.

  • The DataWriterQos has batch.enable set to true.

Attempting to enable a DataWriter with that QoS occasionally fails with a segmentation fault in the internal function PRESTypePluginDefaultEndpointData_calculateBatchBufferSize().

Fixed in: 7.4.0

[RTI Issue ID CORE-14659] Running out of memory during DomainParticipant creation causes DomainParticipantFactory finalization to hang

During DomainParticipant creation, if the internal function REDAWorkerFactory_createWorker runs out of memory and prints this error:

REDAWorkerFactory_createWorker:no space on heap for array with 1024 elements of size 8 bytes

then DomainParticipant creation will fail. The problem was that when you later tried to finalize the DomainParticipantFactory, this operation would hang and repeatedly print these errors:

REDAWorkerFactory_destroyWorkerEx:!take mutex

Fixed in: 7.4.0

[RTI Issue ID CORE-14962] Arbitrary read access while parsing malicious RTPS message

Arbitrary read access can occur while parsing a malicious RTPS message. User impact with or without Security is a vulnerability in the Connext application that could result in the following:

  • Arbitrary read access while parsing a malicious RTPS message.

  • Remotely exploitable.

  • Potential impact on confidentiality of Connext application.

  • CVSS Base Score: 8.2 HIGH

  • CVSS v3.1 Vector: AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:L/I:N/A:H

Mitigation: protect the network Connext is running so untrusted peers cannot inject malicious RTPS messages.

Fixed in: 7.1.0

[RTI Issue ID CORE-13160] DDS fragmentation leads to more fragments than expected for a sample

You may notice that when using middleware-level fragmentation and a flow controller where bytes_per_token is set to a value smaller than the minimum transport message_size_max across all installed transports, the number of sample fragments generated for a sample may be bigger than expected. Although this is not a functional issue, it may lead to performance degradation.

Fixed in: 7.1.0

[RTI Issue ID CORE-13190] TCP transport debug library in Windows does not work with IOCP socket monitoring

The debug library for the TCP Transport does not work on Windows® systems when you set the property dds.transport.TCPv4.tcp1.socket_monitoring_kind to WINDOWS_IOCP.

Trying to use the library will result in the following error:

Mx02:c:\jenkins\workspace\connextdds\release7.0.0.0\x64win64vs2017\src\osapi.1.0\srcc\thread\thread.c:2179:RTI0x200003b:!precondition: "strlen(name) >= 16"
RTIOsapiThread_newWithStack:!create initialize

Fixed in: 7.1.0

[RTI Issue ID COREPLG-654]

8.5.2. Security Plugins Segmentation fault in Java while enabling a DataWriter that protects payloads and enables batching

Consider the following scenario:

  • You are using the Java API.

  • The Governance Document has <data_protection_kind> set to a value other than NONE for a given topic.

  • The DataWriterQos has batch.enable set to true.

Attempting to enable a DataWriter of that topic and with that QoS fails with a segmentation fault in the internal function PRESTypePluginDefaultEndpointData_calculateBatchBufferSize.

Fixed in: 7.4.0

[RTI Issue ID SEC-2457] Unexpected “Fragment data not supported by this writer” error when using Security

You may see the following error when trying to run an application setting the dds.participant.protocol.rtps_overhead property and using the Security Plugins. The same configuration did not fail in previous releases.

ERROR COMMENDFacade_canSampleBeSent:NOT SUPPORTED | Fragment data not supported by this writer.

To work around the issue, you can remove the property dds.participant.protocol.rtps_overhead from the participant configuration. This is also the recommended configuration starting with 7.0.0, since the overhead is automatically calculated by the middleware.

Fixed in: 7.1.0

[RTI Issue ID SEC-1813] Session keys not renewed as often as they should when using RTPS SIGN protection

The Security Plugins update the session keys after protecting some message blocks. The cryptography.max_blocks_per_session property determines how many message blocks can be encrypted using the same session key.

However, cryptography.max_blocks_per_session has an effective value larger than the property value when using RTPS SIGN (or SIGN_WITH_ORIGIN_AUTHENTICATION) protection. The problem leads to slightly overused session keys in some scenarios.

Fixed in: 7.1.0

[RTI Issue ID SEC-1786]

8.5.3. Persistence Service Persistence Service XSD schema broken

The Persistence Service XSD schema is broken due to an additional closing tag.

Fixed in: 7.1.0