I use rti connext dds version 6.0.0. I need to change admin consoles Qos for discovery and for subscribing topics. Is there any xml in system that I can change default configurations (Qos) for admin console so I don't have to add new xml file and select the qos profile for every joining to domain and for every subscribing topic? Is there any easy way to change default qos for admin console?
I'm writing an application that uses the RTI Connector for Javascript. I have an XML file that I converted from an IDL by running rtiddsgen.
In my XML file, the types definition looks like this:
<module name="Example">
<struct name= "busB" extensibility= "final" nested="true">
<member name="nestedInsideBusB" type="nonBasic" nonBasicTypeName= "Example::BusC"/>
I'm trying to make the python code work with the RTI Remote Administration interface. Python module requires XML type representation. A regular RTI release comes with the IDL type for the Remote Platform (inside rti_connext_dds-6.0.1/resource/idl/). The ServiceAdmin.idl has these types:
Hi, I'm in the process of porting some existing code from 6.0.1 C++ API to 6.1 C# API.
I've looked through the example project that rtiddsgen 3.1 generates for dotnet5 to get a hang of things, but I'm currently stuck at trying to load 2 separate XML files. One defines the domain participants, while the other defines QOS profiles.
Modern C++
Hi currently i am trying out RTI Connext and i encounter a problem when i try to use an QoS file which was used for the ADLINK's Opensplice implementation.
I added the qos_library is should, but it still can't find the sub elements past the qos_profile.
this is a snippet of my QoS.xml file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
version="6.0.0"><qos_library name="TestLibrary">
<qos_profile name="TestProfile" >
I generated my xml files from my idl's and stored them in a folder called xml. This folder lives in the same directory as my MY_RECORDING_SERVICE.xml. It looks like this
Inside my MY_RECORDING_SERVICE.xml I'm including these xml generated as follow:
I'm trying to create a new DDSDomainParticipant using an input XML QoS profile.
In C++ we have the function
I am trying to use the .NET create_tc_from_xml_file class to generate type codes from XML and I receive the following error in the console:
RTIXMLParser_onStartTag:Parse error at line 3: Error processing tag 'include'
RTIXMLParser_parseFromFile:Parse error in file 'C:\XMLDataStruct\thisModule.xml'
DDS_XMLTypeCodeParser_parse_from_file:Error parsing XML
DDS_TypeCodeFactory_create_tc_from_xml_file:!error parsing types file
The XML files were generated from IDL using rtiddsgen, and the includes are at the top of the XML:
I can only use my custom USER_QOS_PROFILES.xml file if the environment variable NDDS_QOS_PROFILES is set. If I place the USER_QOS_PROFILES.xml in the same diretory and my executable and launch the executable in that same directory, then the USER_QOS_PROFILES.xml is not read.
I'm using RHEL7 on an x64 platform. I"m using the RTI v5.3.1 whih I just downloaded last week.
Why is this not working? I did not find any other situations similar to mine.