►Crti::flat::AbstractBuilder | Base class of all Builders |
►Crti::flat::AbstractListBuilder | Base class of all array and sequence builders |
►Crti::flat::AbstractSequenceBuilder | Base class of Builders for sequence members |
►Crti::flat::PrimitiveSequenceBuilder< char > | |
Crti::flat::StringBuilder | Builds a string |
Crti::flat::FinalSequenceBuilder< ElementOffset > | Builds a sequence member of fixed-size elements |
Crti::flat::MutableSequenceBuilder< ElementBuilder > | Builds a sequence member of variable-size elements |
Crti::flat::PrimitiveSequenceBuilder< T > | Builds a sequence of primitive members |
Crti::flat::MutableArrayBuilder< ElementBuilder, N > | Builds an array member of variable-size elements |
►Crti::flat::AggregationBuilder | Base class of struct and union builders |
►Crti::flat::UnionBuilder< int32_t > | |
CMyFlatUnionBuilder | Represents the Builder for an arbitrary user-defined mutable IDL union |
CMyFlatMutableBuilder | Represents the Builder for an arbitrary user-defined mutable type |
Crti::flat::UnionBuilder< Discriminator > | Base class of builders for user-defined mutable unions |
Crti::pub::AcknowledgmentInfo | <<extension>> <<value-type>> Information about an application-acknowledged sample |
Crti::core::policy::AcknowledgmentKind_def | <<extension>> The enumeration for Reliability acknowledgment kinds |
Crti::sub::AckResponseData | <<extension>> Data payload associated to an application-level acknowledgment |
Crti::core::AllocationSettings | <<extension>> Resource allocation settings |
Cdds::sub::AnyDataReader | <<reference-type>> This class provides an non-template holder for representing a DataReader of any type |
►Cdds::sub::AnyDataReaderListener | The listener to notify status changes for a dds::sub::DataReader of a generic type |
►Cdds::sub::SubscriberListener | The listener to notify status changes for a dds::sub::Subscriber |
►Cdds::domain::DomainParticipantListener | The listener class for a DomainParticipant |
Cdds::domain::NoOpDomainParticipantListener | A convenience implementation of DomainParticipantListener where all methods are overridden to do nothing |
►Cdds::sub::NoOpSubscriberListener | A convenience implementation of SubscriberListener where all methods are overridden to do nothing |
Cdds::domain::NoOpDomainParticipantListener | A convenience implementation of DomainParticipantListener where all methods are overridden to do nothing |
Cdds::pub::AnyDataWriter | <<reference-type>> This class provides an non-template holder for representing a DataWriter of any type |
►Cdds::pub::AnyDataWriterListener | The listener to notify status changes for a dds::pub::DataWriter of a generic type |
►Cdds::pub::PublisherListener | The listener to notify status changes for a dds::pub::Publisher |
Cdds::domain::DomainParticipantListener | The listener class for a DomainParticipant |
►Cdds::pub::NoOpPublisherListener | A convenience implementation of PublisherListener where all methods are overridden to do nothing |
Cdds::domain::NoOpDomainParticipantListener | A convenience implementation of DomainParticipantListener where all methods are overridden to do nothing |
Cdds::topic::AnyTopic | <<reference-type>> This class provides an non-template holder for representing a Topic of any type |
Crti::core::policy::AsynchronousPublisher | <<extension>> Configures the mechanism to publish data using a separate thread |
►Crti::core::cond::AsyncWaitSetListener | Listener for receiving event notifications related to the thread pool of the AsyncWaitSet |
Crti::core::cond::NoOpAsyncWaitSetListener | A convenience implementation of AsyncWaitSetListener where all methods are overridden to do nothing |
Crti::core::cond::AsyncWaitSetProperty | Specifies the rti::core::cond::AsyncWaitSet behavior |
Crti::config::activity_context::AttributeKindMask | The attributes used in the string representation of the Activity Context can be configured through this mask |
Crti::core::policy::Availability | <<extension>> Configures data availability in the context of Collaborative DataWriters and Required Subscriptions |
Cdds::core::basic_string< CharType, Allocator > | <<value-type>> A string convertible to std::string and with similar functionality |
Crti::core::policy::Batch | <<extension>> Allows a dds::pub::DataWriter to batch multiple samples into a single network packet to increase throughput |
Crti::core::bounded_sequence< T, MaxLength > | <<value-type>> A bounded sequence of elements |
Cdds::topic::BuiltinTopicKey | The key of the built-in topics |
Crti::core::policy::BuiltinTopicReaderResourceLimits | <<extension>> Configures several resource management aspects of the built-in topic DataReaders |
Cdds::core::BytesTopicType | Built-in type consisting of a variable-length array of opaque bytes |
Crti::core::policy::CdrPaddingKind_def | <<extension>> The definition of the dds::core::safe_enum CdrPaddingKind |
Crti::core::ChannelSettings | <<extension>> Configures the properties of a channel in rti::core::policy::MultiChannel |
Cdds::rpc::ClientParams | <<value-type>> The parameters used to configure a ClientEndpoint |
Cdds::sub::CoherentAccess | <<value-type>> Controls whether RTI Connext will preserve the groupings of changes made by the publishing application by means of begin_coherent_changes and end_coherent_changes |
Cdds::pub::CoherentSet | <<value-type>> A publishing application can request that a set of DDS data-sample changes be propagated in such a way that they are interpreted at the receivers' side as a cohesive set of modifications |
Crti::core::CoherentSetInfo | <<extension>> <<value-type>> A CoherentSampleInfo provides information about the coherent set associated with a sample |
Crti::core::CompressionIdMask | <<extension>> Mask that specifies which built-in compression method to used |
Crti::core::CompressionSettings | <<extension>> Compression Settings |
►Cdds::core::cond::Condition | <<reference-type>> Abstract base class of all the conditions |
Cdds::core::cond::GuardCondition | <<reference-type>> A condition whose trigger value is under the control of the application |
Cdds::core::cond::StatusCondition | <<reference-type>> A condition associated with each dds::core::Entity |
►Cdds::sub::cond::ReadCondition | <<reference-type>> Condition specifically dedicated to read operations and attached to one dds::sub::DataReader |
Cdds::sub::cond::QueryCondition | <<reference-type>> Specialized ReadCondition that allows applications to also specify a filter on the data available in a dds::sub::DataReader |
Crti::queuing::ConsumerAvailabilityParams | Definition of the availability feedback information that can be provided by consumers to Queuing Service |
Crti::topic::ContentFilter< T, CompileData > | <<extension>> A class to inherit from when implementing a custom content filter |
►Crti::topic::ContentFilter< T, no_compile_data_t > | |
►Crti::topic::WriterContentFilter< T, no_compile_data_t, no_compile_data_t > | |
Crti::topic::WriterContentFilterHelper< T, CompileData, WriterFilterData > | <<extension>> A class to inherit from when implementing a writer-side custom content filter |
Crti::topic::WriterContentFilter< T, CompileData, WriterFilterData > | <<extension>> A class to inherit from when implementing a writer-side custom content filter |
Crti::core::ContentFilterProperty | <<extension>> <<value-type>> Provides all the required information to enable content filtering |
Crti::util::network_capture::ContentKindMask | <<extension>> Mask indicating the types of contents to remove from RTPS frames before saving them to the capture file |
Crti::core::Cookie | Unique identifier for a written data sample in the form of a sequence of bytes |
Crti::core::policy::Database | <<extension>> Configures threads and resource limits that RTI Connext uses to control its internal database |
Crti::core::status::DataReaderCacheStatus | <<extension>> Information about the status dds::core::status::StatusMask::datareader_cache() |
Crti::core::policy::DataReaderInstanceRemovalKind_def | Sets the kinds of instances that can be replaced when instance resource limits (dds::core::policy::ResourceLimits::max_instances) are reached |
►Cdds::sub::DataReaderListener< T > | The Listener to notify status changes for a dds::sub::DataReader |
Cdds::sub::NoOpDataReaderListener< T > | A convenience implementation of DataReaderListener where all methods are overridden to do nothing |
►Cdds::sub::DataReaderListener< RequestType > | |
Cdds::sub::NoOpDataReaderListener< RequestType > | |
Crti::core::policy::DataReaderProtocol | <<extension>> Configures DataReader-specific aspects of the RTPS protocol |
Crti::core::status::DataReaderProtocolStatus | <<extension>> Information about the status dds::core::status::StatusMask::datareader_protocol() |
Cdds::sub::qos::DataReaderQos | <<value-type>> Container of the QoS policies that a dds::sub::DataReader supports |
Crti::core::policy::DataReaderResourceLimits | <<extension>> Configures the memory usage of a dds::pub::DataReader |
Crti::core::DataReaderResourceLimitsInstanceReplacementSettings | <<extension>> How instances are replaced in the DataReader queue when resource limits are reached |
Crti::sub::cond::DataReaderStatusConditionHandler< T > | Realization of a functor handler that handles the status of a dds::sub::DataReader |
Cdds::core::policy::DataRepresentation | Contains the data representations supported by entities |
►Cdds::sub::status::DataState | Describes the state of a sample and includes the information about the sample's InstanceState, ViewState, and SampleState |
Crti::sub::status::DataStateEx | <<extension>> <<value-type>> An extended version of dds::sub::status::DataState that also contains StreamKind |
Cdds::core::policy::DataTag | Stores name-value (string) pairs that can be used to determine access permissions |
Crti::core::status::DataWriterCacheStatus | <<extension>> Information about the status dds::core::status::StatusMask::datawriter_cache() |
►Cdds::pub::DataWriterListener< T > | The Listener to notify status changes for a dds::pub::DataWriter |
Cdds::pub::NoOpDataWriterListener< T > | A convenience implementation of DataWriterListener where all methods are overridden to do nothing |
Crti::core::policy::DataWriterProtocol | <<extension>> Configures aspects of an the RTPS protocol related to a dds::pub::DataWriter |
Crti::core::status::DataWriterProtocolStatus | <<extension>> Information about the status dds::core::status::StatusMask::datawriter_protocol() |
Cdds::pub::qos::DataWriterQos | <<value-type>> Container of the QoS policies that a dds::pub::DataWriter supports |
Crti::core::policy::DataWriterResourceLimits | <<extension>> Configures the memory usage of a dds::pub::DataWriter |
Crti::core::policy::DataWriterResourceLimitsInstanceReplacementKind_def | <<extension>> The enumeration for DataWriter Resource Limits |
Crti::core::DataWriterShmemRefTransferModeSettings | <<extension>> Configures aspects of the shared memory reference transfer mode related to a DataWriter |
Crti::core::policy::DataWriterTransferMode | <<extension>> Configures the transfer mode of a dds::pub::DataWriter |
Cdds::core::policy::Deadline | Expresses the maximum duration (deadline) within which an instance is expected to be updated |
Cdds::core::policy::DestinationOrder | Controls the logical order of updates to the same instance by a dds::pub::Publisher |
Cdds::core::policy::DestinationOrderKind_def | The definition of the dds::core::safe_enum DestinationOrderKind |
Crti::core::policy::DestinationOrderScopeKind_def | <<extension>> The definition of the dds::core::safe_enum DestinationOrderScopeKind |
Crti::core::policy::Discovery | <<extension>> Configures entity discovery |
Crti::core::policy::DiscoveryConfig | <<extension>> Configures the discovery mechanism |
Crti::core::policy::DiscoveryConfigBuiltinChannelKindMask | <<extension>> A mask that selects the built-in channels to be used |
Crti::core::policy::DiscoveryConfigBuiltinPluginKindMask | <<extension>> A mask that selects the built-in discovery plugins to be used |
Crti::domain::DomainParticipantConfigParams | <<extension>> <<value-type>> Input paramaters for creating a participant from xml configuration. It allows modification of some of the properties of the entities defined in the configuration |
Cdds::domain::qos::DomainParticipantFactoryQos | <<value-type>> Container of the QoS policies that do not apply to a specific entity
Crti::core::status::DomainParticipantProtocolStatus | |
Cdds::domain::qos::DomainParticipantQos | <<value-type>> Container of the QoS policies that a dds::domain::DomainParticipant supports |
Crti::core::policy::DomainParticipantResourceLimits | <<extension>> Configures the memory usage of certain dds::domain::DomainParticipant resources |
Cdds::core::policy::Durability | Specifies whether a dds::pub::DataWriter will store and deliver previously published data samples to late-joining dds::sub::DataReader entities |
Cdds::core::policy::DurabilityKind_def | The definition of the dds::core::safe_enum DurabilityKind |
Cdds::core::policy::DurabilityService | Configures the external RTI Persistence Service used by persistent and transient DataWriters |
Cdds::core::Duration | <<value-type>> Represents a time interval |
Crti::topic::dynamic_type< TopicType > | Provides a DynamicType that represents an IDL-generated type |
Cdds::core::xtypes::DynamicData | <<value-type>> A data sample of any complex data type, which can be inspected and manipulated reflectively |
Crti::core::xtypes::DynamicDataInfo | Contains information about a DynamicData sample |
Crti::core::xtypes::DynamicDataMemberInfo | Contains information about a DynamicData member |
Crti::core::xtypes::DynamicDataTypeSerializationProperty | <<extension>> <<value-type>> Configures aspects of the memory management in the serialization of dds::core::xtypes::DynamicData samples |
►Cdds::core::xtypes::DynamicType | <<value-type>> Represents a runtime type |
►Cdds::core::xtypes::AbstractConstructedType< Member > | |
Cdds::core::xtypes::StructType | <<value-type>> Represents and IDL struct type |
►Cdds::core::xtypes::AbstractConstructedType< UnionMember > | |
Cdds::core::xtypes::UnionType | <<value-type>> Represents and IDL union type |
Cdds::core::xtypes::AbstractConstructedType< MemberType > | The base class of types that have members and an extensibility kind |
Cdds::core::xtypes::AliasType | <<value-type>> Represents and IDL typedef |
►Cdds::core::xtypes::CollectionType | <<value-type>> The base class of all collection types |
Cdds::core::xtypes::ArrayType | <<value-type>> Represents an IDL array type |
►Cdds::core::xtypes::UnidimensionalCollectionType | <<value-type>> The base class of collection types with only one dimension |
Cdds::core::xtypes::SequenceType | <<value-type>> Represents an IDL sequence type |
Cdds::core::xtypes::StringType | <<value-type>> Represents an IDL string type |
Cdds::core::xtypes::WStringType | <<value-type>> Represents an IDL wstring type |
Cdds::core::xtypes::PrimitiveType | <<value-type>> Represents and IDL primitive type |
Crti::core::xtypes::DynamicTypePrintFormatProperty | <<extension>> <<value-type>> A collection of attributes used to configure how DynamicTypes will be formatted when converted to strings |
Crti::core::EndpointGroup | <<extension>> Specifies a group of endpoints that can be collectively identified by a name and satisfied by a quorum |
Crti::topic::trust::EndpointTrustAlgorithmInfo | <<extension>> <<value-type>> Trust Plugins algorithm information associated with the discovered endpoint |
Crti::topic::trust::EndpointTrustInterceptorAlgorithmInfo | <<extension>> <<value-type>> Trust Plugins interception algorithm information associated with the discovered endpoint |
Crti::topic::trust::EndpointTrustProtectionInfo | <<extension>> <<value-type>> Trust Plugins Protection information associated with the discovered endpoint |
►Cdds::core::Entity | <<reference-type>> This is the abstract base class for all the DDS objects that support QoS policies, a listener and a status condition |
Cdds::pub::DataWriter< dds::core::xtypes::DynamicData > | |
Cdds::pub::DataWriter< ReplyType > | |
Cdds::pub::DataWriter< RequestType > | |
Cdds::sub::DataReader< RequestType > | |
Cdds::sub::DataReader< ReplyType > | |
Cdds::domain::DomainParticipant | <<reference-type>> Container for all dds::core::Entity objects |
Cdds::pub::DataWriter< T > | <<reference-type>> Allows an application to publish data for a dds::topic::Topic |
Cdds::pub::Publisher | <<reference-type>> A publisher is the object responsible for the actual dissemination of publications |
Cdds::sub::DataReader< T > | <<reference-type>> Allows the application to: (1) declare the data it wishes to receive (i.e. make a subscription) and (2) access the data received by the attached dds::sub::Subscriber |
Cdds::sub::Subscriber | <<reference-type>> A subscriber is the object responsible for actually receiving data from a subscription |
►Cdds::topic::TopicDescription< T > | Abstract base class of Topic and ContentFilteredTopic |
Cdds::topic::ContentFilteredTopic< T > | <<reference-type>> Specialization of TopicDescription that allows for content-based subscriptions |
Cdds::topic::Topic< T > | <<reference-type>> Topic is the most basic description of the data to be published and subscribed |
Cdds::core::policy::EntityFactory | Configures a dds::core::Entity that acts as factory of other entities |
Crti::core::policy::EntityName | <<extension>> Assigns a name to a DomainParticipant, Publisher, Subscriber, DataWriter or DataReader |
Cdds::core::xtypes::EnumMember | <<value-type>> Represents a EnumType member |
Cdds::core::xtypes::EnumType | <<value-type>> Represents and IDL enum type |
Crti::test::EnvVarToken | |
Crti::core::policy::Event | <<extension>> Configures the thread in a DomainParticipant that handles timed events |
Crti::core::status::EventCount< IntegerType > | <<extension>> <<value-type>> Encapsulates an event count containing a total count and an incremental count since the last time a status was read |
►Cdds::core::Exception | The abstract base class for all of the DDS exceptions which may be thrown by the API |
Cdds::core::AlreadyClosedError | Indicates that an object has been closed |
Cdds::core::Error | A generic, unspecified Error |
Cdds::core::IllegalOperationError | Indicates that an operation was called under improper circumstances |
Cdds::core::ImmutablePolicyError | Indicates that the application attempted to modify an immutable QoS policy |
Cdds::core::InconsistentPolicyError | Indicates that the application specified a set of QoS policies that are not consistent with each other |
Cdds::core::InvalidArgumentError | Indicates that the application passed an illegal parameter value into an operation |
Cdds::core::InvalidDowncastError | Indicates that a downcast was incorrect |
Cdds::core::NotAllowedBySecurityError | Indicates that an operation on the DDS API fails because the security plugins do not allow it |
Cdds::core::NotEnabledError | A NotEnabledError is thrown when an operation is invoked on a dds::core::Entity that is not yet enabled |
Cdds::core::NullReferenceError | Indicates an attempt to access a null object |
Cdds::core::OutOfResourcesError | Indicates that RTI Connext ran out of the resources needed to complete the operation |
Cdds::core::PreconditionNotMetError | A PreconditionNotMetError is thrown when a pre-condition for the operation was not met |
Cdds::core::TimeoutError | Indicates that an operation has timed out |
Cdds::core::UnsupportedError | Indicates that the application used an unsupported operation |
Cdds::rpc::RemoteUnknownOperationError | Thrown when a Client calls an operation that doesn't exist in the Service |
Crti::queuing::NoMatchingQueueException | The entity lost matching with all the Queuing Service |
Crti::core::policy::ExclusiveArea | <<extension>> Configures multi-threading and deadlock prevention |
Crti::topic::ExpressionProperty | <<extension>> <<value-type>> Provides additional information about the filter expression passed to the writer_compile method of rti::topic::WriterContentFilter |
Crti::topic::extensibility< TopicType > | <<extension>> Indicates the extensibility kind of a topic-type |
Cdds::core::xtypes::ExtensibilityKind_def | The definition of the dds::core::safe_enum ExtensibilityKind |
Cdds::core::external< T > | A managed reference to an object |
Cdds::topic::Filter | Defines the filter to create a ContentFilteredTopic |
Crti::topic::FilterSampleInfo | <<extension>> <<value-type>> Provides meta information associated with the sample |
Crti::flat::flat_type_traits< T > | Given a Sample, an Offset or a Builder, it allows obtaining the other types |
Crti::flat::flat_type_traits< PrimitiveSequenceOffset< char > > | |
Crti::pub::FlowControllerProperty | <<extension>> <<value-type>> Configures a FlowController |
Crti::pub::FlowControllerSchedulingPolicy_def | <<extension>> Kinds of flow controller shceduling policy |
Crti::pub::FlowControllerTokenBucketProperty | <<extension>> <<value-type>> Configures a FlowController based on a tocken-bucket mechanism |
CFoo | An example topic-type |
Cdds::sub::GenerationCount | <<value-type>> |
Cdds::core::policy::GroupData | |
Crti::core::Guid | <<extension>> <<value-type>> Class for GUID (Global Unique Identifier) representation
Crti::util::heap_monitoring::HeapMonitoringParams | Input parameters for enabling heap monitoring. They will be used for configuring the format of the snapshot |
Cdds::core::policy::History | Specifies how much historical data a dds::pub::DataWriter and a dds::sub::DataReader can store |
Cdds::core::policy::HistoryKind_def | The definition of the dds::core::safe_enum HistoryKind |
Crti::core::policy::IgnoredEntityReplacementKind_def | <<extension>> The enumeration for DomainParticipantResourceLimits ignored entity replacement kinds |
Cdds::core::status::InconsistentTopicStatus | Information about the status dds::core::status::StatusMask::inconsistent_topic() |
Cdds::core::InstanceHandle | <<value-type>> Handle to identify different instances of the same dds::topic::Topic of a certain type |
Cdds::sub::status::InstanceState | Indicates if the samples are from a live dds::pub::DataWriter or not |
Crti::core::status::InvalidLocalIdentityAdvanceNoticeStatus | <<extension>> Information about the status dds::core::status::StatusMask::invalid_local_identity_advance_notice() |
Cdds::topic::is_topic_type< T > | Trait that indicates if a type is suitable to be the type of a dds::topic::Topic |
Crti::request::IsReplyRelatedPredicate< T > | Functor to match replies by their related request |
Crti::sub::IsValidData< T > | <<extension>> A functor that returns true when a sample has valid data |
Cdds::core::KeyedBytesTopicType | Built-in type consisting of a variable-length array of opaque bytes and a string that is the key |
Cdds::core::KeyedStringTopicType | Built-in type consisting of a string payload and a second string that is the key |
Cdds::core::policy::LatencyBudget | Provides a hint as to the maximum acceptable delay from the time the data is written to the time it is received by the subscribing applications |
Crti::config::LibraryVersion | <<extension>> <<value-type>> The version of a single library shipped as part of an RTI Connext distribution |
Cdds::core::policy::Lifespan | Specifies how long the data written by a dds::pub::DataWriter is considered valid |
CListener | Entity listeners |
Cdds::core::policy::Liveliness | Specifies and configures the mechanism that allows dds::sub::DataReader's to detect when dds::pub::DataWriter's become disconnected |
Cdds::core::status::LivelinessChangedStatus | Information about the status dds::core::status::StatusMask::liveliness_changed() |
Cdds::core::policy::LivelinessKind_def | The definition of the dds::core::safe_enum LivelinessKind |
Cdds::core::status::LivelinessLostStatus | Information about the status dds::core::status::StatusMask::liveliness_lost() |
Crti::core::xtypes::LoanedDynamicData | <<move-only-type>> Gives temporary access to a member of another DynamicData object |
Crti::sub::LoanedSample< T > | The element type of a dds::sub::LoanedSamples collection |
Cdds::sub::LoanedSamples< T > | <<move-only-type>> Provides temporary access to a collection of samples (data and info) from a DataReader |
Crti::core::Locator | <<extension>> <<value-type>> Type used to represent the addressing information needed to send a message to an RTPS Endpoint using one of the supported transports |
Crti::core::policy::LocatorFilter | <<extension>> Configures how the dds::topic::PublicationBuiltinTopicData reports the configuration of a MultiChannel DataWriter |
Crti::core::LocatorFilterElement | <<extension>> <<value-type>> Specifies the configuration of an individual channel within a MultiChannel DataWriter |
Crti::core::LocatorKind_def | The definition of the dds::core::safe_enum LocatorKind |
Crti::config::LogCategory_def | The definition of the dds::core::safe_enum LogCategory |
Crti::config::Logger | The singleton type used to configure RTI Connext logging |
Crti::config::LogLevel_def | The definition of the dds::core::safe_enum LogLevel; |
Crti::config::LogMessage | A log message, including the text and additional information |
Crti::core::LongDouble | <<extension>> <<value-type>> Encapsulates an IDL long double |
Cdds::sub::DataReader< T >::ManipulatorSelector | A Selector class enabling the streaming API |
Crti::sub::ManipulatorSelector< T > | |
Cdds::core::xtypes::Member | <<value-type>> Represents a StructType member |
Crti::core::policy::Monitoring | <<extension>> Configures the use of the RTI Observability Library to collect and distribute RTI Connext telemetry data |
Crti::core::MonitoringDedicatedParticipantSettings | <<extension>> Configures the usage of a dedicated dds::domain::DomainParticipant to distribute the RTI Connext application telemetry data |
Crti::core::MonitoringDistributionSettings | <<extension>> Configures the distribution of telemetry data |
Crti::core::MonitoringEventDistributionSettings | <<extension>> Configures the distribution of event metrics |
Crti::core::MonitoringLoggingDistributionSettings | <<extension>> Configures the distribution of log messages |
Crti::core::MonitoringPeriodicDistributionSettings | <<extension>> Configures the distribution of periodic metrics |
Crti::core::policy::MultiChannel | <<extension>> Configures the ability of a DataWriter to send data on different multicast groups (addresses) based on the value of the data |
CNDDS_Transport_Address_t | Addresses are stored individually as network-ordered bytes |
CNDDS_Transport_Interface_t | Storage for the description of a network interface used by a Transport Plugin |
CNDDS_Transport_Property_t | Base configuration structure that must be inherited by derived Transport Plugin classes |
CNDDS_Transport_Shmem_Property_t | Subclass of NDDS_Transport_Property_t allowing specification of parameters that are specific to the shared-memory transport |
CNDDS_Transport_UDP_WAN_CommPortsMappingInfo | Type for storing UDP WAN communication ports |
CNDDS_Transport_UDPv4_Property_t | Configurable IPv4/UDP Transport-Plugin properties |
CNDDS_Transport_UDPv4_WAN_Property_t | Configurable IPv4/UDP WAN Transport-Plugin properties |
CNDDS_Transport_UDPv6_Property_t | Configurable IPv6/UDP Transport-Plugin properties |
CNDDS_Transport_UUID | Univocally identifies a transport plugin instance |
Crti::util::network_capture::NetworkCaptureParams | <<extension>> Input parameters for starting Network Capture |
Crti::topic::no_compile_data_t | The type to specify as the CompileData template parameter to your ContentFilter if your compile function does not return any data |
Cdds::core::status::OfferedDeadlineMissedStatus | Information about the status dds::core::status::StatusMask::offered_deadline_missed() |
Cdds::core::status::OfferedIncompatibleQosStatus | Information about the status dds::core::status::StatusMask::offered_incompatible_qos() |
►Crti::flat::OffsetBase | Base class of all Offset types |
►Crti::flat::AbstractPrimitiveList< char > | |
►Crti::flat::PrimitiveSequenceOffset< char > | |
Crti::flat::StringOffset | Offset to a string |
►Crti::flat::FinalOffset< MyFlatFinalOffset > | |
CMyFlatFinalOffset | Represents the Offset to an arbitrary user-defined FlatData final IDL struct |
►Crti::flat::AbstractAlignedList< ElementOffset > | Base class of Offsets to sequences and arrays of non-primitive members |
Crti::flat::FinalAlignedArrayOffset< ElementOffset, N > | Offset to an array of final elements |
Crti::flat::MutableArrayOffset< ElementOffset, N > | Offset to an array of variable-size elements |
Crti::flat::SequenceOffset< ElementOffset > | Offset to a sequence of non-primitive elements |
►Crti::flat::AbstractPrimitiveList< T > | Base class for Offsets to sequences and arrays of primitive types |
Crti::flat::PrimitiveArrayOffset< T, N > | Offset to an array of primitive elements |
Crti::flat::PrimitiveSequenceOffset< T > | Offset to a sequence of primitive elements |
Crti::flat::FinalArrayOffset< ElementOffset, N > | Offset to an array of final elements |
Crti::flat::FinalOffset< T > | The base class of all Offsets to a final struct type |
►Crti::flat::MutableOffset | The base class of all Offsets to a final struct type |
CMyFlatMutableOffset | Represents the Offset to an arbitrary user-defined FlatData mutable IDL struct |
CMyFlatUnionOffset | Represents the Offset to an arbitrary user-defined FlatData mutable IDL union |
►Crti::flat::PrimitiveConstOffset< T > | A const Offset to an optional primitive member |
Crti::flat::PrimitiveOffset< T > | An Offset to an optional primitive member |
Cdds::core::optional< T > | <<value-type>> Represents an object that may not contain a valid value |
Cdds::core::optional< dds::core::xtypes::DynamicType > | |
Cdds::core::optional< dds::pub::qos::DataWriterQos > | |
Cdds::core::optional< dds::sub::qos::DataReaderQos > | |
Crti::core::optional_value< T > | <<extension>> Represents a value that can be initialized or not |
Cdds::core::policy::Ownership | Specifies whether it is allowed for multiple dds::pub::DataWriter's to write the same instance of the data and if so, how these modifications should be arbitrated |
Cdds::core::policy::OwnershipKind_def | The definition of the dds::core::safe_enum OwnershipKind |
Cdds::core::policy::OwnershipStrength | Specifies the value of the strength used to arbitrate among multiple dds::pub::DataWriter objects that attempt to modify the same instance of a data type (identified by its dds::topic::Topic and key) |
Cdds::topic::ParticipantBuiltinTopicData | Entry created when a dds::domain::DomainParticipant is discovered |
Crti::topic::trust::ParticipantTrustAlgorithmInfo | <<extension>> <<value-type>> Trust Plugins algorithm information associated with the discovered DomainParticipant |
Crti::topic::trust::ParticipantTrustInterceptorAlgorithmInfo | <<extension>> <<value-type>> Trust Plugins interception algorithm information associated with the discovered DomainParticipant |
Crti::topic::trust::ParticipantTrustKeyEstablishmentAlgorithmInfo | <<extension>> <<value-type>> Trust Plugins key establishment algorithm information associated with the discovered DomainParticipant |
Crti::topic::trust::ParticipantTrustProtectionInfo | <<extension>> <<value-type>> Trust Plugins Protection information associated with the discovered DomainParticipant |
Crti::topic::trust::ParticipantTrustSignatureAlgorithmInfo | <<extension>> <<value-type>> Trust Plugins signature algorithm information associated with the discovered DomainParticipant |
Cdds::core::policy::Partition | Set of strings that introduces logical partitions in dds::domain::DomainParticipant, dds::pub::Publisher, or dds::sub::Subscriber entities |
Crti::core::pointer< T > | |
Cdds::core::policy::policy_id< Policy > | Obtains the QosPolicyId of a QoS Policy |
Cdds::core::policy::policy_name< Policy > | Obtains the policy name |
Cdds::core::policy::Presentation | Specifies how the samples representing changes to data instances are presented to a subscribing application |
Cdds::core::policy::PresentationAccessScopeKind_def | The definition of the dds::core::safe_enum PresentationAccessScopeKind |
Crti::config::PrintFormat_def | The definition of the dds::core::safe_enum PrintFormat |
Crti::topic::PrintFormatKind_def | The definition of the dds::core::safe_enum PrintFormatKind |
Crti::topic::PrintFormatProperty | <<extension>> <<value-type>> A collection of attributes used to configure how data samples will be formatted when converted to a string |
Crti::core::ProductVersion | <<extension>> <<value-type>> Represents the current version of RTI Connext |
Crti::core::policy::Property | <<extension>> Stores key/value string pairs that can configure certain parameters of RTI Connext not exposed through QoS policies. It can also store and propagate through the discovery mechanism application-specific information associated to a dds::core::Entity |
Crti::core::ProtocolVersion | <<extension>> Represents the current version of RTI Connext |
Cdds::topic::PublicationBuiltinTopicData | Entry created when a dds::pub::DataWriter is discovered in association with its dds::pub::Publisher |
Cdds::core::status::PublicationMatchedStatus | Information about the status dds::core::status::StatusMask::publication_matched() |
Cdds::pub::qos::PublisherQos | <<value-type>> Container of the QoS policies that a dds::pub::Publisher supports |
Crti::core::policy::PublishMode | <<extension>> Specifies whether a dds::pub::DataWriter sends data synchronously or asynchronously |
Crti::core::policy::PublishModeKind_def | <<extension>> The enumeration for PublishMode kinds |
Crti::core::qos_print_all_t | A tag type that selects the to_string overload that prints all the values of a Qos object |
Cdds::core::policy::QosPolicyCount | <<value-type>> Holds a counter for a QosPolicyId |
Crti::core::QosPrintFormat | <<extension>> <<value-type>> A collection of attributes used to configure how QoS will be formatted when converted to strings |
Cdds::core::QosProvider | <<reference-type>> The QosProvider class provides a way for a user to control and access the XML QoS profiles that are loaded by RTI Connext |
Crti::core::QosProviderParams | <<extension>> <<value-type>> Configure options that control the way that XML documents containing QoS profiles are loaded by a dds::core::QosProvider |
Cdds::sub::Query | <<value-type>> Encapsulates a query for a dds::sub::cond::QueryCondition |
►Crti::queuing::QueueConsumerListener< T > | Called when certain events occur in a QueueConsumer |
Crti::queuing::NoOpQueueConsumerListener< T > | A listener with an empty implementation of all methods |
►Crti::queuing::QueueConsumerListener< TRep > | |
Crti::queuing::NoOpQueueConsumerListener< TRep > | |
►Crti::queuing::QueueConsumerListener< TReq > | |
Crti::queuing::NoOpQueueConsumerListener< TReq > | |
Crti::queuing::QueueEntityParams< ActualEntity > | A parent class for all queue parameter classes |
►Crti::queuing::QueueEntityParams< QueueConsumerParams > | |
Crti::queuing::QueueConsumerParams | Contains the parameters for creating a QueueConsumer |
►Crti::queuing::QueueEntityParams< QueueProducerParams > | |
Crti::queuing::QueueProducerParams | Contains the parameters for creating a QueueProducer |
►Crti::queuing::QueueEntityParams< QueueReplierParams > | |
Crti::queuing::QueueReplierParams | Contains the parameters for creating a QueueReplier |
►Crti::queuing::QueueEntityParams< QueueRequesterParams > | |
Crti::queuing::QueueRequesterParams | Contains the parameters for creating a QueueRequester |
►Crti::queuing::QueueProducerListener< T > | Called when certain events occur in a QueueProducer |
Crti::queuing::NoOpQueueProducerListener< T > | A listener with an empty implementation of all methods |
►Crti::queuing::QueueProducerListener< TRep > | |
Crti::queuing::NoOpQueueProducerListener< TRep > | |
►Crti::queuing::QueueProducerListener< TReq > | |
Crti::queuing::NoOpQueueProducerListener< TReq > | |
►Crti::queuing::QueueReplierListener< TReq, TRep > | Called when certain events occur in a QueueReplier |
Crti::queuing::NoOpQueueReplierListener< TReq, TRep > | A listener with an empty implementation of all methods |
►Crti::queuing::QueueRequesterListener< TReq, TRep > | Called when certain events occur in a QueueRequester |
Crti::queuing::NoOpQueueRequesterListener< TReq, TRep > | A listener with an empty implementation of all methods |
Cdds::sub::Rank | <<value-type>> Contains the sample and generation ranks of a data-sample |
Cdds::core::policy::ReaderDataLifecycle | Controls how a DataReader manages the lifecycle of the data that it has received |
Cdds::sub::ReadModeDummyType | |
Crti::core::policy::ReceiverPool | <<extension>> Configures threads that RTI Connext uses to receive and process data from the transport modules (such as UDP) |
Cdds::core::Reference< DELEGATE > | Base class for all reference types |
►Cdds::core::Reference< AsyncWaitSetCompletionTokenImpl > | |
Crti::core::cond::AsyncWaitSetCompletionToken | Implementation of the completion token role element of the asynchronous completion token pattern that is part of the AsyncWaitSet behavior |
►Cdds::core::Reference< AsyncWaitSetImpl > | |
Crti::core::cond::AsyncWaitSet | <<extension>> Dispatches dds::core::cond::Condition objects using separate threads of execution. Unlike a normal dds::core::cond::WaitSet, which operates on the current thread, an AsyncWaitSet uses a thread pool |
►Cdds::core::Reference< ContentFilterBase > | |
Crti::topic::CustomFilter< ContentFilterBase > | |
►Cdds::core::Reference< detail::ClientEndpointImpl< Request, Reply > > | |
►Cdds::rpc::ClientEndpoint< Request, Reply > | <<reference-type>> Manages the DDS entities required to make remote function calls |
Crpc_example::RobotControlClient | <<reference-type>> Allows client applications to make remote function calls |
►Cdds::core::Reference< detail::QueueConsumerImpl< T > > | |
Crti::queuing::QueueConsumer< T > | Allows you to receive samples from a SharedReaderQueue |
►Cdds::core::Reference< detail::QueueConsumerImpl< TRep > > | |
Crti::queuing::QueueConsumer< TRep > | |
►Cdds::core::Reference< detail::QueueConsumerImpl< TReq > > | |
Crti::queuing::QueueConsumer< TReq > | |
►Cdds::core::Reference< detail::QueueProducerImpl< T > > | |
Crti::queuing::QueueProducer< T > | Allows you to send samples to a specific SharedReaderQueue hosted by Queuing Service |
►Cdds::core::Reference< detail::QueueProducerImpl< TRep > > | |
Crti::queuing::QueueProducer< TRep > | |
►Cdds::core::Reference< detail::QueueProducerImpl< TReq > > | |
Crti::queuing::QueueProducer< TReq > | |
►Cdds::core::Reference< detail::QueueReplierImpl< TReq, TRep > > | |
Crti::queuing::QueueReplier< TReq, TRep > | Allows receiving requests and sending replies |
►Cdds::core::Reference< detail::QueueRequesterImpl< TReq, TRep > > | |
Crti::queuing::QueueRequester< TReq, TRep > | Allows sending requests and receiving replies |
►Cdds::core::Reference< detail::ReplierImpl< RequestType, ReplyType > > | |
Crti::request::Replier< RequestType, ReplyType > | <<reference-type>> Allows receiving requests and sending replies |
Crti::request::SimpleReplier< RequestType, ReplyType > | <<reference-type>> A callback-based replier |
►Cdds::core::Reference< detail::RequesterImpl< Request, Reply > > | |
Crti::request::Requester< Request, Reply > | |
►Cdds::core::Reference< detail::RequesterImpl< RequestType, ReplyType > > | |
Crti::request::Requester< RequestType, ReplyType > | <<reference-type>> Allows sending requests and receiving replies |
►Cdds::core::Reference< detail::ServiceEndpointImpl< Dispatcher > > | |
Cdds::rpc::ServiceEndpoint< Dispatcher > | Manages the DDS entities required to receive function calls and send the return values |
Cdds::core::Reference< DynamicDataProxyTypeSupportImpl > | |
Cdds::core::Reference< FilterHolderImpl > | |
►Cdds::core::Reference< FlowControllerImpl > | |
Crti::pub::FlowController | <<extension>> <<reference-type>> A flow controller is the object responsible for shaping the network traffic by determining when attached asynchronous dds::pub::DataWriter instances are allowed to write data |
►Cdds::core::Reference< SampleProcessorImpl > | |
Crti::sub::SampleProcessor | <<extension>> <<reference-type>> Utility to read and process the data samples that one or more DataReaders receive using a sample handler |
►Cdds::core::Reference< T > | |
Crti::topic::CustomFilter< T > | <<extension>> <<reference-type>> A wrapper class for the user-defined implementation of a ContentFilter |
►Cdds::core::Reference< TopicQueryImpl > | |
Crti::sub::TopicQuery | <<extension>> <<reference-type>> Allows a dds::sub::DataReader to query the sample cache of its matching dds::pub::DataWriters |
►Cdds::core::Reference< typename Entity::Listener > | |
Crti::core::ListenerBinder< Entity, Listener > | <<reference-type>> Automatically manages the association of an Entity and a Listener |
Cdds::core::Reference< UserProxyTypeSupportImpl > | |
Cdds::core::policy::Reliability | Indicates the level of reliability in sample delivered that a dds::pub::DataWriter offers or a dds::sub::DataReader requests |
Cdds::core::policy::ReliabilityKind_def | The definition of the dds::core::safe_enum ReliabilityKind |
Crti::core::status::ReliableReaderActivityChangedStatus | <<extension>> Information about the status dds::core::status::StatusMask::reliable_reader_activity_changed() |
Crti::core::status::ReliableWriterCacheChangedStatus | <<extension>> Information about the status dds::core::status::StatusMask::reliable_writer_cache_changed() |
Crti::core::policy::RemoteParticipantPurgeKind_def | <<extension>> The definition of the dds::core::safe_enum RemoteParticipantPurgeKind |
Crti::request::ReplierListener< RequestType, ReplyType > | Called when a Replier has new available requests |
Crti::request::ReplierParams | Contains the parameters for creating a rti::request::Replier |
Cdds::core::status::RequestedDeadlineMissedStatus | Information about the status dds::core::status::StatusMask::requested_deadline_missed() |
Cdds::core::status::RequestedIncompatibleQosStatus | Information about the status dds::core::status::StatusMask::requested_incompatible_qos() |
Crti::request::RequesterParams | Contains the parameters for creating a rti::request::Requester |
Cdds::core::policy::ResourceLimits | Controls the memory usage of dds::pub::DataWriter or a dds::sub::DataReader |
Crti::core::Result< T > | A result from an operation that doesn't throw exceptions containing a return code and (if successful) a value |
►Crpc_example::RobotControl | The synchronous interface generated from the RobotControl IDL service |
Crpc_example::RobotControlClient | <<reference-type>> Allows client applications to make remote function calls |
►Crpc_example::RobotControlAsync | The asynchronous interface derived from the RobotControl service |
Crpc_example::RobotControlClient | <<reference-type>> Allows client applications to make remote function calls |
Crti::core::RtpsReliableReaderProtocol | <<extension>> Configures aspects of the RTPS protocol related to a reliable DataReader |
Crti::core::policy::RtpsReliableWriterProtocol | <<extension>> Configures aspects of an RTPS reliable writer |
Crti::core::policy::RtpsReservedPortKindMask | <<extension>> Mask of reserved ports |
Crti::core::RtpsWellKnownPorts | <<extension>> Configures the mapping of the RTPS well-known ports |
Cdds::core::safe_enum< def, inner > | <<value-type>> Provides a safe, scoped enumeration based on def::type |
Cdds::core::safe_enum< LogLevel_def > | |
Cdds::core::safe_enum< Verbosity_def > | |
Cdds::sub::Sample< T > | <<value-type>> This class encapsulate the data and meta-data associated with DDS samples |
Crti::flat::Sample< OffsetType > | The generic definition of FlatData topic-types |
Crti::core::SampleFlag | <<extension>> A set of flags that can be associated with a sample |
Crti::core::SampleIdentity | <<extension>> <<value-type>> A SampleIdentity defines a pair (Virtual Writer Guid, SequenceNumber) that uniquely identifies a sample within a DDS domain and a Topic |
Cdds::sub::SampleInfo | <<value-type>> Information that accompanies each sample received by a DataReader |
Crti::sub::SampleIterator< T > | A random-access iterator of LoanedSample |
Crti::core::status::SampleLostState | <<extension>> Reasons why a sample was lost |
Cdds::core::status::SampleLostStatus | Information about the status dds::core::status::StatusMask::sample_lost() |
Cdds::core::status::SampleRejectedState | Reasons why a sample was rejected |
Cdds::core::status::SampleRejectedStatus | Information about the status dds::core::status::StatusMask::sample_rejected() |
Cdds::sub::status::SampleState | Indicates whether or not a sample has ever been read |
Crti::config::ScopedLoggerVerbosity | Changes the logger verbosity temporarily during the scope of a variable |
Cdds::sub::DataReader< T >::Selector | Used by the DataReader to compose read and take operations |
Crti::flat::SequenceIterator< E, OffsetKind > | Iterator for collections of Offsets |
Crti::core::SequenceNumber | <<extension>> <<value-type>> A class representing the DDS 64-bit Sequence Number |
Cdds::rpc::Server | <<reference-type>> Provides the execution environment for one or more ServiceEndpoint |
Cdds::rpc::ServerParams | <<value-type>> The parameters used to configure a Server |
Crti::core::policy::Service | <<extension>> Indicates if an Entity is associated with a service and if so, which one |
Crti::core::policy::ServiceKind_def | <<extension>> The definition of the dds::core::safe_enum ServiceKind |
Crti::topic::ServiceRequest | <<extension>> <<value-type>> A request coming from one of the built-in services |
Crti::core::status::ServiceRequestAcceptedStatus | <<extension>> Information about the status dds::core::status::StatusMask::service_request_accepted() |
Crti::core::ServiceRequestId_def | The definition of the rti::core::safe_enum ServiceRequestId |
Cdds::sub::SharedSamples< T, DELEGATE > | <<reference-type>> A sharable and container-safe version of LoanedSamples |
Crti::sub::SharedSamples< T > | Provides access to a collection of middleware-loaned samples |
Crti::util::heap_monitoring::SnapshotContentFormat_def | Bitmap used to decide which information of the snapshot will be displayed |
Crti::util::heap_monitoring::SnapshotOutputFormat_def | Specify the format of the output of the snapshot. RTI Connext |
Cdds::core::status::StatusMask | A std::bitset (list) of statuses |
Crti::util::StreamFlagSaver | |
Crti::sub::status::StreamKind | <<extension>> Indicates which stream to read from: live stream, topic-query stream or both |
Cdds::core::StringTopicType | Built-in type consisting of a single character string |
Cdds::sub::qos::SubscriberQos | <<value-type>> Container of the QoS policies that a dds::sub::Subscriber supports |
Cdds::topic::SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData | Entry created when a dds::sub::DataReader is discovered in association with its dds::sub::Subscriber |
Cdds::core::status::SubscriptionMatchedStatus | Information about the status dds::core::status::StatusMask::subscription_matched() |
Cdds::pub::SuspendedPublication | <<value-type>> Indicates that the application is about to make multiple modifications using several dds::pub::DataWriter's belonging to the same dds::pub::Publisher |
Crti::core::policy::SystemResourceLimits | <<extension>> Configures resources that RTI Connext uses |
Crti::core::ThreadSettings | <<extension>> The properties of a thread of execution |
Crti::core::ThreadSettingsCpuRotationKind_def | Determines how rti::core::ThreadSettings::cpu_list affects processor affinity for thread-related QoS policies that apply to multiple threads |
Crti::core::ThreadSettingsKindMask | <<extension>> A collection of flags used to configure threads of execution |
Cdds::core::Time | <<extension>> Represents a point in time |
Cdds::core::policy::TimeBasedFilter | Allows a dds::sub::DataReader to indicate that it is not interested in all the sample updates that occur within a time period |
Crti::topic::topic_type_disabled_copy< TopicType > | <<extension>> Indicates whether a TopicType is uncopyable |
Crti::topic::topic_type_has_external_members< TopicType > | <<extension>> Indicates if a topic type contains directly or indirectly IDL external members |
Cdds::topic::topic_type_name< T > | Provides the name of a topic-type |
Cdds::topic::topic_type_support< T > | Provides convenience operations for a topic-type |
Cdds::topic::TopicBuiltinTopicData | Entry created when a dds::topic::Topic object is discovered |
Cdds::core::policy::TopicData | |
Cdds::topic::TopicInstance< T > | Encapsulates a sample and its associated instance handle |
►Cdds::topic::TopicListener< T > | The listener to notify status changes for a dds::topic::Topic |
Cdds::topic::NoOpTopicListener< T > | A convenience implementation of TopicListener where all methods are overridden to do nothing |
Cdds::topic::qos::TopicQos | <<value-type>> Container of the QoS policies that a dds::topic::Topic supports |
Crti::sub::TopicQueryData | <<extension>> <<value-type>> Provides information about a TopicQuery |
Crti::core::policy::TopicQueryDispatch | <<extension>> Configures the ability of a dds::pub::DataWriter to publish samples in response to a rti::sub::TopicQuery |
Crti::sub::TopicQuerySelection | <<extension>> <<value-type>> Specifies the data query that defines a TopicQuery |
Crti::sub::TopicQuerySelectionKind_def | The definition of the dds::core::safe_enum rti::sub::TopicQuerySelectionKind |
Crti::util::network_capture::TrafficKindMask | <<extension>> Mask indicating the traffic direction to capture |
CTransportAllocationSettings_t | Allocation settings used by various internal buffers |
Crti::core::policy::TransportBuiltin | <<extension>> Specifies which built-in transports to use |
Crti::core::policy::TransportBuiltinMask | <<extension>> Mask that specifies which built-in transports are used |
Crti::core::TransportClassId_def | The definition of the dds::core::safe_enum TransportClassId |
Crti::core::TransportInfo | <<extension>> <<value-type>> Contains the class id and message max size of an installed transport |
Crti::core::policy::TransportMulticast | <<extension>> Specifies the multicast address on which a dds::sub::DataReader wants to receive its data and other settings |
Crti::core::policy::TransportMulticastKind_def | <<extension>> The definition of the dds::core::safe_enum TransportMulticastKind |
Crti::core::policy::TransportMulticastMapping | Specifies a list of topic_expressions and multicast addresses that can be used by an Entity with a specific topic name to receive data |
Crti::core::TransportMulticastSettings | <<extension>> Represents a list of multicast locators |
Cdds::core::policy::TransportPriority | Allows applications to take advantage of transports capable of sending messages with different priorities |
Crti::core::policy::TransportSelection | <<extension>> Specifies the transports that a dds::pub::DataWriter or a dds::sub::DataReader may use to send or receive data |
Crti::core::policy::TransportUnicast | <<extension>> Specifies a subset of transports and a port number that can be used by a dds::core::Entity to receive data |
Crti::core::TransportUnicastSettings | <<extension>> Represents a list of unicast locators |
Crti::topic::trust::TrustAlgorithmRequirements | <<extension>> <<value-type>> Type to describe Trust Plugins algorithm requirements |
Cdds::core::policy::TypeConsistencyEnforcement | Defines the rules for determining whether the type used to publish a given topic is consistent with that used to subscribe to it |
Cdds::core::policy::TypeConsistencyEnforcementKind_def | The definition of the dds::core::safe_enum TypeConsistencyEnforcementKind |
Cdds::core::xtypes::TypeKind_def | The definition of TypeKind |
Crti::core::policy::TypeSupport | <<extension>> Allows attaching application-specific information to a dds::pub::DataWriter or dds::sub::DataReader that is passed to the serilization and deserialization routines |
Cdds::core::xtypes::UnionMember | <<value-type>> Represents a UnionType member |
Crti::core::UnregisterThreadOnExit | <<extension>> Utility that calls rti::core::unregister_thread when leaving scope |
Cdds::core::policy::UserData | Attaches a buffer of opaque data that is distributed by Built-in Topics during discovery |
Crti::sub::ValidLoanedSamples< T > | <<extension>> <<C++11>> <<move-only-type>> Provides access to only those samples that contain valid data |
Crti::sub::ValidSampleIterator< T > | A forward iterator adapter that skips invalid samples |
Cdds::core::Value< D > | |
►Cdds::core::Value< DELEGATE > | |
Cdds::core::TEntityQos< DELEGATE > | Acts as a container for Qos policies allowing to set and retrieve all the policies of an entity as a unit |
Cdds::core::vector< T > | <<value-type>> A vector convertible to std::vector and with similar functionality |
Cdds::core::vector< uint8_t > | |
Crti::core::VendorId | <<extension>> Represents the vendor of the service implementing the RTPS protocol |
Crti::config::Verbosity_def | The definition of the dds::core::safe_enum Verbosity |
Cdds::sub::status::ViewState | Indicates whether or not an instance is new |
Cdds::core::cond::WaitSet | <<reference-type>> Allows an application to wait until one or more of the attached Condition objects have a trigger_value of true or else until the timeout expires |
Crti::core::cond::WaitSetProperty | <<extension>> <<value-type>> Specifies the dds::core::cond::WaitSet behavior for multiple trigger events |
Cdds::core::WeakReference< T > | |
Crti::core::policy::WireProtocol | <<extension>> Configures the write protocol of a dds::domain::DomainParticipant |
Crti::core::policy::WireProtocolAutoKind_def | <<extension>> The definition of the dds::core::safe_enum WireProtocolAutoKind |
Crti::pub::WriteParams | <<extension>> <<value-type>> Advanced parameters for writing with a DataWriter |
Cdds::core::policy::WriterDataLifecycle | Controls how a dds::pub::DataWriter handles the lifecycle of the instances (keys) that it writes |